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I stare out the window as I hear Vanessa come into my room. She sighs as she sits on the bed. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing of importance. I'm gonna just..." I break down. Vanessa pats the bed next to her. I go to her.

"Is this about your father and me?" I nod.

"Jamie, nothing will change between us. We'll just keep fighting over the stupidest things." She rests her hand on her swollen belly. "I'm going to say no. I think it's time to divorce."

"If you two divorce, I'll ask my social worker for a new placement."

"Honey, I know it's hard. It's going to be hard. But baby, this is going to get better, okay? Sometimes divorce makes things go up."

"But Mama, what about Sebastian and me? The new baby too?

"You'll see your dad on weekends. And when the baby is older, he, or she, will see him too."

"But I want longer time periods with him."

"I know, I know."


About three weeks later, Lin comes to check on Vanessa. She isn't feeling too well so he wants to be with her in case it's the baby.

I wake up in the middle of the night to hear Lin and Vanessa talking in hushed voices. They are sitting on the couch. I do what I'm best at. Eavesdropping. "So, you really feel you might be starting labor?" Lin asks.

"Yeah. I really do." Vanessa sounds almost hopeful. "I can't wait to meet the newest member of the Miranda family."

"Me neither." Suddenly, Vanessa gasps.

"Lin, it's happening. The baby's coming. Oh my god." She sounds excited but nervous.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get your overnight bag and the birth plan. Where is it?"

"Lin, the contractions are really far apart. I'll be fine for an hour or so. But the plan is in the overnight bag in the mud room."

"Okay. So, we'll time the time between contractions. That way we know."

After about 15 minutes she says she's having another contraction. Another 15 minutes. And then 14 minutes apart.

Around ten o'clock, two hours later, her contractions are 12 minutes apart. Another two hours later and they're at nine minutes.

Around 1:45 Vanessa speaks up. "Lin, call you're parents, have them meet us at the hospital. Go wake up Jamie and get Sebby. It's time to go."

I rush back to my room and pretend to sleep. "Hey Jamie. Wake up sweetie. Guess what."

"What?" I ask using my best groggy voice.

"The baby is coming." I get up, acting tired, which isn't hard, and grab a sweatshirt, slipping it on over my pajama top. I slip on my ugg boots and throw my hair into a ponytail. I follow Lin to the living room.

"You excited for another baby brother or sister?"

"Sure." I say. And go to the car, not turning until Lin asks me to take Sebby. "Come on buba." I take him to the car and buckle him in. Vanessa sits in front with Lin. She works on breathing and staying calm in front of Sebastian and I.

When we reach the hospital, Lin helps Vanessa inside while I carry Sebby. Right at the entrance, Abuela and Abuelo stand there. They take Sebby from me.


I wake up on a couch. Vanessa is sleeping, Lin pacing the halls. I get up and walk to him. "Daddy? What's wrong?"

The First Private Orphanage: Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now