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I wake up and feel ill. My head hurts, my chest feels tight. I look to Lin who sleeps soundly beside me. I roll over and feel Lin grab me by my waist and pull me closer to him. "Don't get up yet. Stay in bed a little longer."

"Okay." I say and lean back into him.

"You sound stuffy. Are you getting a cold?"

"I think so. Summer colds are the absolute worst." I answer and look at the door, half expecting one of the kids to come running in and jumping on the bed.

"I'm sorry V." I turn to face Lin. He kisses my forehead. "We're supposed to go to Austria this week."

"Fuck, you're right. It's gonna suck if I'm gonna have a cold while we're visiting my family with two infants and a teen. I mean, as long as I've got you, I'll be good."

*Time skip to when they're in Austria because I fucking can*

Lin, Sebastian, Alex, Jamie and I all sit in a hotel room, Jamie and I put on fake nails, giggling about how childish we feel doing so. Lin plays on the floor with Sebastian, holding Alex in his arms. A knock brings Lin to his feet. "Ay, Frank, it's only you. I was kinda freaked out."

"Oh, haha, sorry. Not trying to totally freak you out." My father says.

"Hey, it's cool, it's cool, come on in. V! Your dad!"

"Thanks, hon, but I heard." I say and glue the last fake nail to my nail and stand up.

The nails I have are all maroon and not too much longer than my nails are normally. Just past my finger tips.

Jamie finishes her nails too. Her nails are baby blue with gold and white accent nails on her ring finger. The suit her. Not just her looks but her personality too. Dad seems to notice our nails because he takes our hand into his. "What beautiful nails girls. Jamie, I like yours."

"Thank you Frank." Jamie says.

"Darling, what have I told you? Call me Pops. Thats what Sebby calls me."

"Sorry. I'm still not used to it."

"It's okay." Dad says. "There was a reason I came here. Vanessa, your grandmother wants to see you."

"Okay." I say. "Jame, you'll love my grandmother. She likes to be called GJ. For Grandma June."

"Okay. Can I call her GGJ?"

"For what?"

"Great Grandma June."

"Haha, I don't know. You'll have to ask her."



"Vanessa, sit. I'll braid your hair." I sit in front of GJ as she braids my hair. "So, the tall one, the girl. She come with you?"



"No, GJ. Lin and I adopted her. She's my daughter. My favorite daughter."

"Your only daughter." Jamie points out.

"That makes it easy to say you're my favorite."

"And both those babies? They yours too?"

"Yes GJ. They're mine."


"No. I gave birth to them both."

"You did great both times too." Lin says and sits next to me.

"I love you Lin."

"And I you." He kisses my temple and a chorus of awes go around.

"Did y'all forget you loved each other when you split up?" My father asks. Tears well in my eyes.

"No. We didn't forget, Dad. We just needed a break."

"A break that lasted a full pregnancy and where you went on a total of three dates?"

"Dad!" By this time, GJ is done braiding my hair. I stand up and rush off.


"Frank, the hell was that for?" I ask.

"Well, its true isn't it?"

"You need to apologize to your daughter right now." I order him. He gets up and leaves the room.


I sit on the floor of the bathroom, crying, trying to calm down. The bathroom door squeaks open. "Vanessa?" It's my father.

"What do you want Dad?"

"I'm sorry, honey. I shouldn't have said what I did. It was rude. I was rude. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, thanks, Dad."

"Vanessa, please, honey. Find it in your heart to forgive your old man?"

"Maybe later." I say and go to rejoin the rest of the family.

Lin holds me close as I sit, practically on his lap. "Vanessa, if it isn't the loveliest girl in the place." He sings to me.

"Awe! Mis padres are adorable as fuck." Jamie says, earning glances from my aunts and uncles.

"Your parents?" On asks.

"Yeah. My parents."

"Who let a fangirl in here?"

"What?" Lin and I ask together.

"People on Instagram and Twitter call you their parents."

"Well, we are her parents." Lin says. "We adopted her."

"Oh dear god, now I feel like a fuck wad."

"What is it with this family and the word fuck?" Lin asks.

"I don't know. It's a fun word. Fuck." I say.

"That's where I get it from!" Jamie pipes up.

"Yup, we use it for everything. Like you do."

"Mama! We share a trait! Holy fuck! We share a trait!"

"We sure do." I say and Jamie tackle hugs me. "Woah there Jame."

"I 100 percent trust you and Daddy."

"I am so glad." I say and kiss her forehead.

"Mama, I want to know what the fuck I am. Dad never said anything about his family and Mom's iced her out years before I was born."

"Sure we can." Lin says, turning to me.

"Thank you Daddy. I love you both!" Jamie worms her way into both mine and Lin's laps.


We all have sodas or beers when Jamie stands up and lifts hers in the air. "In Daddy's written words, sung by Christopher Jackson, 'A toast to the end of all I know!' For me, it's a good think, for Benny however, not so much. Thank you for adopting me and showing me that even though life can get pretty shitty, there's always some sort of light at the end. For me, that light is my new family. So, Mama, Daddy, 'How can I repay you for your kindness?'" I stand up and wrap my little girl in a hug and cry as I do.

"I love you Jamie."

"I love you too Mama."

"That's how you can repay us. You can love us. Be our daughter." Lin says. I didn't even realize that he was hugging us both.

So much fluff but also a bit of drama.

Two updates? Different stories though. That's what eight ish hours in a car does for you.

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