The start of an adventure

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Albus Severus Potter was getting ready for his fifth year in Hogwarts. His best friend. Scorpius Malfoy and him were finally getting a normal year. Or. So he wished. For. He was a Potter in Slytherin! But. Albus really liked the common room. Scorpius. Or. As he called him, Scorp. Anyway. He liked the common room with Scorp. Well. Albus being an emo and Scorp reading. Scorp and Albus had an interesting relationship. Albus nor Scorp really being the hugging type. They had hugged like twice. Albus had enjoyed hugging the Malfoy more than he had let on. Well. Who doesn't like hugging a good looking man or boy. Whatever they were at this point. Albus wasn't sure. No one really was. Since. He had always been a more grown up than his age. At the same time... he was kind of childish. He could go from an 17 years old. So. He could go from an adult. Oh Yeah. In the Wizarding world you are an adult at the age of 17. On other words... Teens drink alcohol. Muggles (Non magical people) would not like that too much.

"Al! It's time to go!" Harry Potter. Albus Potter's idiot father yelled at him.

Albus hated being called Al. It reminded him of his 'dear' father he had some problems with. His father had told him that he would be trying to be a better father. But. Albus had known the minute Harry Potter had promised that to his son, that promise wasn't there to stay. And Albus had been right. Tho not as easily angered than before, his father would still yell his anger out like a little kid. He would still look at Albus like his son was sick. Albus Potter. The Slytherin Potter. He wasn't sick. He just felt... awkward. This place wasn't his home. His school wasn't his home. His home was in the train with Scorp. It was, when he had the light named Scorpius Malfoy. His home was with Scorpius. Tho. Albus felt like he had no home at all. He didn't know his home was with that blonde boy.

"Coming!" Albus yelled while he closed his truck.

Albus smiled the first smile of the summer. He was gonna see his 'best friend.' The smile hurt his lips, his cheeks and his about everything. Albus didn't care. He ran down the stairs! Fricking ran! Albus Potter never runs.

"Hi Al!" Albus Potter's mother. Ginny Potter (Née Weasley) yelled.

Albus froze. Oh. If his awkwardness was a dream, he'd been so happy all these years. But. No. He was really awkward in everything. Even with his mum.

"Hello mum," Albus said slowly.

"Hi mum!" James Potter. Albus Potter's big brother yelled while giving his father a 'high five'.

"Hello James," Albus said.

"Hello everybody!" Lily Potter. Albus Potter's little sister yelled.

"Hello," Albus said.

Albus had always felt James and Lily got more of everything. Lily being youngest and James oldest. What was Albus? The middle child. The one that gets the smallest amount of attention.

"We have to go. Take my hand," Ginny said to Albus while the two others already had left with their father.

"Fine," Albus said taking her mum's hand.

Albus Severus Potter saw his best mate. He tapped Scorpius Malfoy's shoulder. It was out of character for him. So. He smiled at Scorp's confused face.

"Who?" Scorpius asked.

"Me," Albus said with a giggle.

"Who are you and what have you done to Albus Potter?" Scorpius asked.

"Better?" Albus asked with his normal voice.

"Well. Supricingly yeah. I like your voice," Scorp said.

Albus started blushing. He looked at his feet. Supriced by his own actions. He wasn't the one to blush easily.

"Can't look at me?" Scorp asked.

"So?" Albus asked.

"Nothing. I just like your eyes more, when i can see them," Scorp says.

Albus had his thoughts going crazy. 'Was it always like this? Why am i blushing? What is happening? Is he flirting with me? He liked Rose! Right? Am i missing something?' Those were just a small part of his thought.

"Earth to Albus Potter!" Scorp yelled.

"I'm thinking. Please shut up," Albus said.

"We gotta get on the train. And. No. We are not jumping off again," Scorp says

The two boys had jumped off the train the start of their 4th year. Going on the biggest adventure of their whole live so far.

"Fine," Albus said.

Two of them got on the train and went into their compartment.

"Hi Albus. Hi Scorpius," Rose Granger-Weasley. Albus Potter's cousin' and Scorpius Malfoy's love interest said.

"Hi Rose," Scorp said.

Rose sat down next to Scorp as Albus sighed. He was weirdly wishing he was Rose that moment. He wanted Scorpius to look at HIM like that. Not her. Albus tried to shake those selfish thoughts out. He wished he could... Oh. If he only could. If he could just be normal. Not... himself. He didn't want to wish Scorpius saw him like that. He had no idea, Why he wanted that.

"Well. I'll see you two," Rose said while leaving.

"Did you see that? Rose sat next to me!" Scorpius yelled.

"Yeah. That is so good for you," Albus said.

Oh. Albus wished he was happy for his friend. But. No. He wasn't. Albus wanted to say he was there. That he could be that, If Scorpius wanted. 'What is going on?' Albus asked himself.

"Albus?" Scorp asked.

"You know there are other people than Rose?" Albus asked quickly without thinking.

"Yeah. I know there are other girls," Scorp said.

"Are girls the only thing you care about these days?" Albus asked.

"No. I'm interested in hearing about your summer," Scorp says.

"The normal. My father hasn't kept his promise. You?" Albus asked.

"You never were interested in my summer," Scorp said.

"Now i am. How was it?" Albus asked.

"Well. My dad was the same as always. But. He is prouder of me, i quess," Scorp said.

"Really? Why wasn't he proud of your grade's?" Albus asked.

"You lisened?" Scorp asked.

'He is cu-. Albus. Do not! Agh. He is cute... What is happening? Oh. Please don't tell me. Well. I wasn't REALLY interested in girls Anyway. But. Not on Scorpius! No thank you! No! Nope!' Albus thought while nodding.

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