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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy finally got into his dorm. It had Took him time since he had came in with Rose. If he was honest, his flaming feelings for Rose had died down a lot that summer. But. Rose's had done the oppisite.

"Where were you?" Albus asked Scorpius.

"With Rose," Scorpius said.

"Scorp. You like her more than me?" Albus asked.

Scorpius was shocked by this. Albus had never pulled something like that. Making Scorpius choose between a girl and Albus.

"No. Never," Scorp said and sat down next to Albus.

"You sure?" Albus asked quietly.

"Where does this come from?" Scorpius  asked as he looked at his 'best friend'.

"Why are you asking? Like anybody cares," Albus whined.

"Stop whining and tell me, What is wrong," Scorp said.

"I don't know, What is happening. I quess i'm just now getting, Who i am. And. I don't know, What to do. I'm in too deep. But. When i think about it, i was always like this," Albus said.

"Like what?" Scorp asked.

"Like... What do you think about me? I need anything. Even, If i suck at everything," Albus said as he curled up on a Ball.

"Um. What i think of you?" Scorpius asked as he looked at his friend.

Albus was attractive. Scorpius had to give him that. Black hair and green eyes being quite rare to see together. Albus sure had it in him to be a lady killer. But. Scorpius wasn't sure, Why he was happy about Albus being only his. Sure. That sounded creepy. Scorpius knew Well that Albus wasn't his. Albus was his own person.

"You are weird?" Scorpius asked.

"Thanks," Albus said.

Albus got his OWN shirt and Took it off. Something Scorpius weirdly liked. He stared at Albus while a loving smile grew on his lips. Scorpius himself got his shirt off. As they were sitting on Albus Potter's bed, anyone coming in wouldn't see two friends. They'd see two gay wizards ready to have a loud night. Scorpius Malfoy's smile grew as he saw Albus stared at him.

"Why are we half naked on my bed?" Albus asked.

"I don't know," Scorp said.

The blonde boy leaned his head on the Black haired boys body. 'Why is this so right?' He asked himself while he looked up at his 'friend'. Albus seemed ready to fall asleep right Then and there. His green eyes were closed and a small smile played on his lips. Scorpius couldn't see a reason for his dad's dislike over him. The boy seemed too pure that moment. When in reality, Albus was far from that.

"I'm just gonna," Scorpius said.

"Why?" Albus asked still relaxed.

"Do you want to stay like that?" Scorp asked.

"Maybe," Albus said.

"Fine. But. If i don't get sleep in two hours, i moving to my bed," Scorpius said.

"Deal," Albus said.

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