Not that bad

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Harry James Potter read the letter his son had send him for the fifth time.

"Gin... Do you get, Why he thinks we hate him for being gay?" Harry asked.

"I do. Harry. You weren't the best father to him. He is still scared of you leaving him. He is at the age he needs a father. He has been two years. Sadly. Draco was there more than you. Now. It's like coming out to your uncle. Most likely he has already come out to Draco," Gin said.

"There is no reason for him to fear me. I like him," Harry said.

"Like and love has a long distance. Like is your first crush, when you are 13. It's the coffee you drink alone. Like is not full. It's not ready. Love is the one you marry. It's the coffee you drink with the people you care for. Love is the cloudless sky. The sun shining. It's the snitch you need to catch before the game ends. It's the thing most parents see the moment they notice their small babies. But. I quess you didn't have that. I surely had it. Little Albus getting my finger is the moment you know the child was worth the pain. Same moment was with James and Lily. Tho. James was the hardest. Being the first. Lily. I was use to it at her," Gin said.

"Of course i love him. He is my little boy that i've talked with since he was 1 month old," Harry said.

"Then. What is it you always make him feel like he needs to come first at everything. Oh Yeah. You always put James of the better one. I have never heard you tell Albus the things you tell James. Harry. When will i hear 'Well done Albus'? Will i even hear that? No. Will HE hear that? Harry. Sometimes i think you don't get it... Albus could die from jumping off any second. You do get he is not alright. You went to talk with him ones. I'm proud of that. But. Did you ask Albus, does he want help from someone outside his family? I have been thinking. I don't think we are in his family. It's all Scorpius these days. His family isn't us. We have hurt him some much we aren't in his family. Harry. Please... snap out of it! You are his dad! I know you work. So did mine. But. He had the time to talk to us. Name five of Albus' interests," Gin said.

"Um... Drawing?" Harry asked.

"Plants, Potions, Drawing and Child care. Oh Yeah. Albus was the one taking care of Lily, when we were gone. But. As you might notice. We know almost nothing about him. He isn't a 1 sided character. He is a really good character. When will you get that?" Gin asked.

"He just so different," Harry said.

"I know he is. He doesn't work like the others. He had James and Lily taking attention. He was the middle child. Older brother that did everything Well and younger sister that was adorable. Albus forgot that he was real for a while. There was a reason he never cried for help. There is a reason he doesn't cry in front of you. There is a reason he is always behind everything. He doesn't think we care. He doesn't want us to notice he has weaknesses. Why? James always bullied him. When he didn't warm up to Albus, Albus tried Lily. But. Lily had all the attention She wanted. So. She was bratty. Albus still played with her. He still liked her for years. He was broken. The broken Albus. That is the Albus you remeber. I remeber the cute little boy that was slightly shy. Okay. Very shy. He wouldn't look at the doctor in the face. Rose and Albus were often together. Why? Rose was the person Albus trusted like a parent. Hermione talked to me about it. Rose told her everything. Hermione had heard the worst things about everything. She ones told me this... 'Albus said something like this: "I don't like this world. Is there another one? I want there." I'm really scared for Rose and Albus. I just. I want to give Albus a diary. He might be able to put his feelings in it.' This is one of the first things i told you. Where were you? Somewhere talking to James. I know James is important. So is Lily. But. Please. Leave Albus space," Gin said.

"I'm so stupid Ginny. Can i fix this?" Harry asked.

"Not alone. You need Albus to help you. You might need me. You might Also need Lily and James. But. First of all. You need to tell Albus you are alright with him being gay. That is the first step. You need to tell him he is loved," Gin said.

Harry Took everything and started to write a letter.

'Hi Albus. I need you to know something. We are alright with you being gay and love you anyways. We will always love you. I'm so sorry. I have finally gotten into my head that i need to respect you more. We love you. I love you. I just want to tell you that. Someday. I won't be able to. I am so very proud of you Albus. Yes. I know you hate Al. So. Be Albus Then. You are, Who you want to be. HP.'

"Wait!" Ginny yelled.

She Took another paper, wrote something and gave it to Harry.

'Albus. Tell Scorpius we said 'hi'. Yes. I know. I am even sure. Invite your boyfriend for dinner over the summer. I think Harry needs to meet him better. I will talk to Harry about it. I'm sure he will like him. A nice boy he is after all. Ginny Potter.'

Harry made their owl fly away with the two letter. The night sky made them soon lose sight of the owl. Ginny put her head on Harry shoulder.

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