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Albus Severus Potter walked into his first class of potions. It was one of the only classes he was good at. He had now taken interest in plants. So. Potions and Herbology were things Albus wished not to fail. Sure. The two wouldn't get him too far, but he liked them. Tho, He could say he didn't suck at Spells anymore, he didn't like them. Albus didn't like using his wand and Oh boy did his wand hate him. It had hated him all these years and wasn't about to stop anytime soon. Albus had thought he had the wrong wand, but he didn't find it too possible.

"Oh. Albus. Sit down," Slughorn. Albus Potter's Potions Professor said.

Albus sat down next to Scorpius. 'This is going to be interesting,' Albus thought.

"Can someone tell me, What this is?" Professor Slughorn asked pointing to potion.

Albus rised his hand up high. Only for everyone to be supriced. Albus Potter had never rised his hand in class. In all these 3-4 years. He had never wanted to answer.

"Potter?" Professor Slughorn asked.

"Alihotsy Draught, professor," Albus said.

"Can you tell me, what it does?" Professor Slughorn asked.

"Causes hysteria. It's made of Alihortsy. Well. Duh. It's in the name," Albus said.

"15 points to Slytherin. You must come to your granny or father," Professor Slughorn said.

"No professor. I am no Harry Potter and wish never to be," Albus said.

"And this?" Professor Slughorn asked as he pointed to another potion.

Albus rised his hand again with a smile. He liked being in the Knowing group.

"Albus?" Professor Slughorn asked.

"Essence of Dittany. Regrows skin over a wound," Albus said.

"Ten points to Slytherin," Professor Slughorn said.

Whispers came all along the room. Gryffindor's. For the first time. Talked positive about Albus since he was sorted into Slytherin. Slytherin's were rubbing this on the Gryffindor's faces. Albus lisened with an interesting look in his eyes. He was kinda happy in Hogwarts. It was new to him. He was so use to being bullied by everything, but... Scorpius.

"So that is the reason," Albus whispered to himself.

"What is it?" Scorp asked.

"Nothing. Just. I'm feeling weird," Albus said.

"Duh. You are happy," Scorp said.

"So. I am rubbing off on you... Aren't i?" Albus asked.

"Maaybe," Scorp said.

Albus rolled his eyes and turned to Slughorn.

(I used Harry Potter wikia on the answers since i wasn't sure about some of that. ~Anna.)


Albus Severus Potter walked to his next class of Herbology. He opened his book and started reading to pass the time. He had not seen his blonde 'best friend' as he had sat next to him to read from Albus Potter's book. Albus did not see all the people that looked at them with hatered all over their faces. Nor did he see a Ravenclaw girl that looked inspired by the scene in front of her.

"Professor. Those two are acting bad," a Ravenclaw boy said.

"No they weren't! They are just reading. What do you have aganst them?" The same inspired Ravenclaw girl asked the boy.

Albus woke up at that. Or. Put his book down to see some faces.

"What? Have i got something on my face?" Albus asked quite Angry sounding.

"No. But. Look left and down," the inspired girl said.

Albus did as the girl said as he found Scorp looking up at him.

"I can't read your book?" Scorp asked.

"Freely," Albus said.

"Thanks," Scorp said as he turned the page.

"Neville is late," Albus said.

"I'm here Al," Neville Longbottom. Also known as Professor Longbottom and the Herbology professor said.

"Okay," Albus said as he got up.

Scorp fell on the ground with a thump.

"Would you stop getting up without telling me? I was leaning on you," Scorp said.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry," Albus said as he gave Scorp a hand.

Scorpius Malfoy got up without that hand and Albus rolled his eyes.

"Did you break the rules? Someone told me you did," Neville said.

"No. They think we are dating and are homophobic," Scorp said.

"Homophobic people are like that. They don't like gay's," Albus said like the Professor was a small child.

"Yeah. Nor do they like lesbian's, Bi-sexual people or some don't like Transgendered people. They are old kind," Scorp said.

"Yeah. They are living 1960's most," Albus said.

Albus was kinda scared. He was gay. He had got that by now. But. Homophobic people were real and Albus wasn't sure his father was Ok with his son liking a boy. Let alone Scorpius Malfoy. Last year Harry Potter had tried to keep them away from each other for Godric's sake! Albus really wasn't waiting for the day he had to come out. He felt his liking of girls had been to impress his father. He didn't want to hide himself anymore. He wanted to yell from the top of a tower that he was gay. But. He wasn't brave enough. He wished he was. That moment he wished that so strongly. That moment he would have given almost anything to be that brave. To be brave enough to be himself.

"Albus!" Scorp yelled.

"Do not yell at me," Albus said.

"You wouldn't answer me," Scorp said.

"What?" Albus asked.

"Can someone tell me, What this plant is?" Neville asked.

Albus rised his hand at the sight of the dark plant.

"Al?" Neville asked. He seemed supriced.

"Devil's snare," Albus said.

"What would happen, If i?" Neville asked moving his hand to the plant.

"Don't! It would kill you, If one of us wouldn't create Fire or light," Albus said.

"I'm impressed. 15 points to Slytherin," Neville said.

"Thank you," Albus said as he looked at the plant with a small smile.

"So. Partner up for the next mission," Neville said.

Albus and Scorpius looked at each other and nodded. They had silently agreed they would always partner up. So. The two got Scorp's book and started to read.

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