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Albus Severus Potter sat down on the last day of the Christmas break. It was the last moment to talk about Scorpius and him. They had only told each other their feelings since Albus wasn't sure about Harry Potter's reaction. Nor was he sure about Ginerva Weasley or his sister and brother. He didn't want a boyfriend for that reason. But. He surely wanted to tell Draco Malfoy about this. He had been like a dad to him.

"Dad?" Scorpius asked.

"Yes?" Draco asked.

"Me and Albus would like to talk to you," Scorpius said.

"Of course," Draco said.

Albus felt his back go straighter as Draco came into the room.

"Dad... Albus and i are-," Scorpius said.

Albus looked at Scorpius and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

"So... yeah," Albus said.

"Welcome to the family Albus," Draco said.

Albus nodded with a small smile. He wasn't sure it would have gone this good! He was a Potter after all.

"When did this happen?" Draco asked.

"Last Christmas," Scorpius said.

"So. Less Then a month ago. I asume Potter knows?" Draco asked.

"No sir. No Potter...but me," Albus said.

"You are the first we tell about this," Scorp said.

"Albus. No need to call me 'sir'. It's Draco," Draco said.

"Alright," Albus said.

"Now that my dad and... are friends," Scorp said.

"No way to say boyfriend or whatever you call me," Albus said.

"Yeah. We need to talk about that. What am i?" Scorp asked.

"Call it boyfriend. You are my boyfriend... i quess," Albus said.

"Okay. I'm still calling you Albus tho," Scorp said.

"Call me Al. People already call me that," Albus said.

"Ok Al," Scorp said.

"I won over Neville," Draco said.

"On What?" Albus asked.

"We made a bet on, when You'd get together. Neville had fourth and seventh years. I had fifth and sixth year," Draco said.

"Dad," Scorp said.

"We all knew You'd get together since third Year," Draco said.

"And you are alright with us not being straight?" Albus asked.

"Scorpius had talked about that posibility since he was 13. He thought he liked boys and girls," Draco said.

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