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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was never the one to look at the dark side of things. But. When things got bad, even he couldn't find too much positive in the scene. One of those scene' were him and Rose Granger-Weasley talking. Why? The girl liked him to no limits. The roles had been reversed. Scorpius use to be obsessed with Rose. But. Now it had turned around. Scorpius was very awkward with this.

"Scorp. Come on," Rose said.

"No Rose. Younger me Nor me now likes this. Please. I wish i could say i still like you, but i have moved on. Maybe you should too," Scorpius said.

"Please. Scorpius," Rose said.

"No. Now. I think you will find someone that likes you for you. But. I don't feel that with you," Scorpius said while he walked into the Dungeons.

"Have you gotten another girl this fast?" Rose asked.

Scorpius sighed. He hadn't gotten a GIRL. He had gotten something else. Someone else. But. Rose wouldn't believe that... Would She?

"Rose. As we grow up, we learn things. About ourselfs and other people. About live. About dead. We learn to handle things maturely. So. No. I haven't gotten a GIRL. But. I've realised you are the one for me," Scorpius said. Putting presure on the word 'girl'.

"People are different and we like different things. To be honest... i was interested since you were one of the first girls in my live. You kinda reminded me of mum. More, when my mum died. I... I lost her so soon it scared me. I quess i saw some of her in you and kinda... I just started liking you. Romanticly... Well. My father had told me to get a strong girl and he was my role model. I liked you like that. Now? I've gotten, Who i am. Partly Thanks to you. Partly Thanks to so many other things," Scorpius said.

"Then. What are you interested in?" Rose asked.

"I'm Bi-sexual. There. I said it. Since i had real interest in a girl, that makes me Bi-sexual," Scorpius said.

"Oh. So. You like boys more?" Rose asked.

"Yes. You are too hard to understand," Scorpius joked.

"And boys aren't?" Rose asked.

"Tell me, Why girls wear make up?" Scorpius asked.

"Kinda on the girl. Some of us do it to feel beautiful. Others do it to get their crush. Others wear it to look like they are higher than the others. Kinda an alpha thing," Rose said.

"Soo. If i wear make up, i'm beautiful?" Scorpius asked.

"Yes," Rose said smirking.

"See you in a week," Scorpius said with a smile.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy felt weird as he looked into the make up bag he had gotten from his father with a note.

"Albus?" Scorpius asked.

"Yeah?" Albus asked as he put his shirt on.

"Can you do my make up?" Scorpius asked.

"Sure. I think i know enough," Albus said while he got on him knees in front of Scorpius.

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