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Albus Severus Potter sighed while he got some food. As he quessed, his bullies still liked to target him over anyone else. He had thought they'd stop, but no. They still liked him a special target. He was Harry Potter's son. Sure. But. He didn't fear doing somethin' he wasn't supose to. But. He wished the image of his real family crying over his grave Kept him alive. The tought of Scorpius crying there not only his mum, but his best mate. That kept Albus alive. It had been the only thing to keep him alive for a couple of months. Scorpius made him feel special... in a good way. Albus wasn't James nor he was Harry. He was his own person. That was important. He was himself. He hadn't acted a way so his father would like him. If they had fights, they did.

"I see you didn't have a good day either," Scorp's voice said out of nowhere.

"Yeah. Close the door. I don't want them seeing me," Albus said.

Scorpius nodded and closed the door. He Then sat down next to Albus.

"So. How are you holding up? Bad or really bad?" Scorp asked.

Scorpius knew that no day was really good for his friend. But. That had really been put into the light, when Scorp had seen Albus stare at the Black lake more than you should. Tearing up often. Those moments Scorp got that Albus wasn't alright and Albus was alright with the blonde Knowing.

"In the middle. I didn't get beaten up this time. Oh Godrig i am happy they don't know, What kind of things i am hiding," Albus said.

"Albus. What is wrong?" Scorp asked.

"I never told you about my summer. Did i?" Albus asked.

"Not really," Scorp said.

"Well. I think i haven't been honest with you these years," Albus said.

"I'll lisen," Scorp said.

"Okay. The start you know pretty Well. I was born and those things. But. Um. Me and Harry Potter didn't do Well. I couldn't call him father at the time. Since. He wasn't too fatherly with me. When i was 5, he told me to at least try to fly. I didn't. It wasn't interesting to me. It was quite the silent dinner and that was the first time i didn't feel like i fit in. When i was about seven, i didn't think home was my home. So. I was in my room often. The first time my father yelled at me was Also since i didn't eat with the family. I'd always sneek down and get food for myself. When i was 9, i got a diary for my birthday from Hermione. James laughed at me for getting it. So. I hid it. But. Later that year something happened for the first time. Dad. He stepped closer to me with his hand in a way it looked like he was about to hit me. I felt really stressed after that and looked at all my stuff. Then i got the diary out and kind just opened it. Before i noticed, i was kinda drawing shapes in that book. Then. For two years... it was daily for me to draw up to three hours. I draw on the summer these days. But. It has kinda begun to be a thing that calms me down. So. When i'm really stressed or Angry or sad, i draw. But. Last summer. Father kinda got me on being alone so much. So. He came in and had a talk with me. Of course. I lied. Really. I don't like talking about my drawing. I'm not good, first of all. Then. Isn't it kinda a girly thing? Anyway. So. We had a fight and i got under his skin again. I'm not doing it 'cause i mean to. I'm just that kind of person. So. He didn't hit me. But. He hit pretty close. That was pretty scary. And. He has tried saying sorry, but i don't say it's okay. Since. It's not. So. He kinda skipped again and thought it was your fault. I don't even know. So. I told him you didn't make me me. That i did it myself. He hasn't quite liked you after. Since. He said i his letter 'Why did you let him write?' That's bad. I got you dragged into our fight since i'm too much of a coward to be myself," Albus said.

Albus didn't only mean his drawing. Being too scared to come out as Well.

"I... i had no idea," Scorpius said.

"While Yey. I scared away my best mate. Isn't this a beautiful day?" Albus asked sarcasticly.

"Albus. My father has never gone as low as to hit me or anything near me. He has broken stuff. Yes. But. Nothing more. He at most has told me to leave the room. Your father almost hitting you twice isn't normal," Scorp said.

"My father was never trained to control his anger since he felt Voldemort's too. But. Now. He isn't really able to control it. The Wizarding world spoiled him completely," Albus said.

"I never thought like that," Scorp said quietly.

"Oh. I thought you were the cheery one. Go on. Make a comment about drawing being girly or whatever," Albus said.

"It would be rich from me since i was the one doing ballet," Scorp said with a smirk.

"You did?" Albus asked.

"Yeah. Since i was four. Mum said i had Dancer legs and helped me out. Those are some of my best memories of her," Scorp said.

Albus didn't know, What to say. Scorpius Malfoy's mum had died a couple of years ago. As Albus had a whole family, he didn't know about losing a parent.

"I thought we didn't do sports?" Albus asked.

"Yeah. Dancing isn't a sport. It's art. Like drawing," Scorp said.

"I know it's Also sports. It's really sporty to be able to jump around like you are flying," Albus said.

"Thanks," Scorpius said.

"No. Thank you," Albus said.

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