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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy sat down so he could write to his father. Albus next to him drew something.

"Did you say something?" Albus asked.

"No," Scorpius said.

Scorpius watched as Albus started to draw again. Scorpius saw this moment to be beautiful. Just the two of them in the great hall.

"I don't know, What to write," Scorpius said.

"I can write for you, If you write for me," Albus said.

"Okay," Scorpius said as he gave his letter to Albus.

'Hello Mrs. and Mr. Potter. So. Me and Albus are writing each others letters. He has done really well and i dare to say he is the best in Potions and Herbology of the whole Slytherin. That is really amazing. This first week has gone really well for him. So. Yeah. Albus also draws lot. As well as reads. Is that normal for him? I mean. I've never seen Albus get so into something. Scorpius Malfoy.'

Scorpius gave the Potter owl the letter and the owl flew away. He saw Albus continue to letter tho it already was quite long.

"Is my father that dear to you?" He asked.

"No. But. I have to ask him something," Albus said.

Scorpius looked down at the drawing Albus drew. He was supriced. It was really good. A side ways human. Scorpius saw it had his nose and chin. Most likely he was seeing things.

"There," Albus said as he gave the letter to an owl.

Albus took his drawing from Scorpius and started making a shadow. Scorpius Honestly did not know Albus could draw. Let alone well.

"How long have you been able to draw?" Scorpius asked.

"Um... A couple of years. I've never been good tho. I just draw, If i feel mentally unstable. I Normally don't. I always feel like an emo. So," Albus said while adding blue into the eyes.

"Who is that?" Scorpius asked.

Albus looked down at the drawing and Then to Scorpius while Scorp stared at him.

"I kinda Took your nose since i couldn't think of anything. But. He is you, i quess," Albus said.

"I'm... Thank you," Scorpius said.

"Well," Albus said while he gave Scorpius the drawing.

"It's you anyway," he said.

"Thanks," Scorpius said.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy sat down as two owls came in with two letters each. Two in front of him. One from his father and one from the Potter's. He first ripped open his fathers letter.

'Scorpius. Albus wrote to me about your first week. And... I'm really proud of you. Albus said i don't say that enough. I just wanted to say that. I am really proud of you. Couldn't be prouder. I am so very proud of you. DM.'

Scorpius looked over at Albus with tears in his eyes. All he wanted was his father to be proud of him and this boy had done it for him.

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