I am so sorry

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(Okay. You might get the Chapter name. 'I am so sorry'. Not for everybody... I just wanted to do this. So. Hints to Albus wanting to kill himself and out right cutting... ~Anna.)

Draco Lucius Malfoy was waiting for his son to come home for the Christmas. He was tapping his foot on the platform. His foot tapped one time a second... It did not go aganst this logic. The train slowly pulled over and Draco stopped tapping. Something that he had been unable to stop, when his son had gone missing. He tapped, when he was nervous. Why was he nervous about seeing his son? Well. Draco had not been too close with his son since his wife had died. But. He really did care for him. Now he was sure they'd get closer over the Christmas. Draco wasn't sure, How to. He had never had a male role model... but. He loved his son over everything he had. Nothing could ever come closer.

Scorpius Malfoy got out of the train and said Goodbye to his best friend while Draco smiled at the two.

"Dad?" Scorp asked.

"Yeah?" Draco asked.

"Can we see, if Albus gets home safe? His father and him had a fight little before he left," Scorp said.

"Sure," Draco said.

Draco had always been close to Albus Potter. They had been letter buddies. Draco really liked Albus. Albus was nothing like his father. As Draco knew Harry Potter could be an idiot, he saw Albus to be a good person. A little too sad, but still nice.

"Dad?" Scorp asked.

"Son?" Draco asked.

"If the Potter's would let it, could Albus come over for the Christmas day? Not the whole thing. Just the day," Scorpius asked.

"If his parents are alright with it, of course," Draco said.

"Thanks," Scorp said.

"We still must wait for the Potter's to answer that. I think i'm not the highest on the 'Take care of Albus' list," Draco said.

"Nether are you the lowest. Ginny is alright with you. As well as Albus. That is half of the Potter's. You must be top 50," Scorp said.

"When did you get smarter than me?" Draco asked.

"I don't know," Scorp said.

Draco looked to the Potter's.

"Al," Harry Potter said.

"Not now father," Albus said.

Draco saw that Harry was hurt by that. 'Well. Albus just said it... why is he that mad anyway? Not my problem to look at,' Draco thought.

"Al," Ginny said slightly happier.

"Hello mum," Albus said.

Draco saw that James and Lily both looked away from the Slytherin boy. 'Ow. That is like disowning him,' Draco thought.

"Lets go home," Harry said.

Draco looked back at Scorpius.

"We should get going too," he said.

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