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(Okay. I'll be doing another huge skip after this. I thought i'd make this like four chapters. No. This is 12th. I'm leaving this story at 14th since i am in school. 10 more than i thought. So. Yeah. I'm just running out of inspiration. But. I'll do a Septiplier...i think. Yeah. Or Phan. I'm not sure. But. Yeah. So. Enjoy this, the next one and the next one. I'm really thinking about kinda killing one of them off. But. Not my characters. So. I won't do that. Hope you like this. ~Anna.)
Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy saw his boyfriend in tears. He saw he had a letter in his hand.

"What is it?" Scorpius asked.

"Dad said sorry. And. Mum said to invite you for dinner. She said dad won't hate you," Al said.

"Al. That is amazing," Scorpius said.

Scorpius gave Al a kiss on the cheek while people in the great hall dropped things.

"Yeah! We are gay! So?" Scorpius asked.

"I don't want a Malfoy into the family," James said.

"'Cause everything is about you? News Flash. It isn't. I do, What i want. At least i am me and don't hide behind dad's leg, If something gets too scary," Albus said.

"Lily doesn't like this eather. Dad will take that," James said.

"I think Albus should be happy," Lily whispered.

The whole hall turned to the girl.

"Yeah. He should do whatever he wants. James. I'm not letting you hurt him anymore. I'm too thankfull for him," Lily said.

"Thank you," Albus said.

"I should be thanking you. I was an idiot. You are my brother and i'm gonna stand with you until there is nothing i need to stand for. I love you," Lily said.

Scorpius smiled at the family getting together.

"James. Scorpius is a good guy. If someone deserves each other, it's them," Rose said.

"Thanks Rose," Al and Scorpius said.

"Always," She said.

"If you don't like this idea, so What? Dad is alright with it. So is mum. Lily is alright with it. Draco is alright with it. Most people are on our side. James. I get you never liked me. I don't get, Why. But. I get it. I get me being a Slytherin doesn't help my case. I get it. But. Can't you for ones be like a brother and be on my side?" Albus asked.

"No one here HATES you. Some dislike you. No one HATES. Too strong of a word," Lily said.

"Yeah. Albus. We love you. Differently. I love you, Scorpius does and Lily does. You are my cousin and my best childhood friend. Scorpius. He loves you. You are his boyfriend. Lily loves you since you are her brother. Ginny loves you since you are her son. So does  hopefull Harry. But. I think only Scorpius knows you well. That is kinda sad," Rose said.

"I love you more than you can ever think i do," Scorpius said.

"Go on," Lily said.

Scorpius knew this was the first test on was he good for Albus.

"Where am i supose to start? First of all. I love your green eyes so much. I love your dark hair. I love, How you can be the happiest sunshine on the mornin', If you want to. Then on Monday's you are the most emo ever. You really are a sunshine only on Sunday morning's. When you do smile, i love it. It has this small teeth coming out. It's so cute. I Also love, How you always try to get in trouble. I love, How you say Logic. It sounds so weird. I love, How you talk on and on Unless someone shuts you up. I love, How you try to help me out tho you have yet to do anything yourself. I love, How you have the dirtiest mind ever. I love, How you wake up with the messiest hair i've seen. I love, How you always ask for seven more minutes. Never five. I love, How you always talk about the weirdest things. One day you might randomly ask 'Why do muggle's look for alien's?' Or. 'Why does school have Tests?' I love, How it's rare i can answer you. When that happens, i feel like you really are lisening and interested. I love, How you are kinda whiny sometimes. I really love you. I could talk about it for hours. But. I don't have that time," Scorpius said.

Al gave Scorpius a quick kiss on the lips and 'aw' was heard all around the hall.

"I think we have potions. I don't... Yeah. We do," Albus said.

Scorpius and Al started to walk down to the Dungeons.

Harry James Potter and his wife were talking.

"Harry. I think Albus is going out with Scorpius," Gin said.

"So. We should invite Scorpius and Draco for dinner?" Harry asked.

"Absolutely," Gin said.

"Alright. What date?" Harry asked.

"Lets see... July 17th?" Gin asked.

"Sure. I think I'll write to Draco Then," Harry said.

'Hello Draco. I've heard Scorpius and Albus are dating. I've been thinking. Would you two like to come over for dinner 17th of July? I'm telling you early so we can find a date before both of us are too full for anything. 17th of July is the first date we could find. I can try to find another, If this doesn't fit. To:Draco Malfoy. From: Harry Potter.'

Harry showed the letter to his wife and sended it to the Malfoy's. They didn't live too far from each other after all.

"I'm proud of you. You are finally getting it to your skull that we can't hate everyone forever," Gin said.

"What is that about? I was never too Angry at Draco," Harry said.

"Suure," Gin said sarcasticly.

"Don't be sarcastic. It doesn't sute you," Harry said.

"I think it sutes me really Well mister," Gin said.

"Whatever you say honey," Harry said.

Ginny and Harry kissed for a moment before they both went upstairs.

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