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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was sitting alone the morning of Christmas. His dad had gone to get his best mate and he was really happy about getting to meet his beautiful 'friend' again.

"Scorpius!" Draco yelled.

Scorpius flew off the chair and jumped down to his dad.

"Yea'?" Scorpius asked.

"Albus is here," Draco said.

Scorpius smiled at his mate and took their bag.

"Are you gonna stay over night?" Scorpius asked.

"Not that special. We always sleep in the same room," Albus said.

Scorpius blushed and looked down.

"My room... it is a mess," Scorpius said.

"Most likely not," Albus said.

"No. It is. Everything sucks. Don't go in!" Scorpius yelled.

"Why not?" Albus asked.

"Like i said... not clean," Scorpius said.

"Oh. Please. I've seen worse," Albus said.

"Not that kind of mess," Scorpius whispered.

"Oh. What kind of mess?" Albus asked.

"Personal stuff all around," Scorpius said.

"Oh come on! Show me!" Albus said.

Scorpius sighed and led Albus to his room door.

"No 'Don't enter' sign?" Albus asked.

"I never needed one," Scorpius said.

Scorpius watched Albus open the door.

"Not that bad," Albus said.

Scorpius sighed and sat down on his bed. Albus followed.

"How have you been?" Scorpius asked.

"Okay. Dad said he might make me talk to a professional person about my problems," Albus said.

"Wait. Who?" Scorpius asked.

"A person trained to lisen to you rant," Albus said.

"That could do some good to you. Can i get one, when the O.W.L.S come?" Scorpius asked jokingly.

"That would be for stress. Maybe. Just. I don't need that. I just need to get my thoughts out for a moment," Albus said.

"You can talk to me," Scorpius said.

"No worry. I said a lot to dad already," Albus said.

"But not everything?" Scorpius asked.

"You know people think i'm not straight? Well. They think i like you. Stupid. Right? Like i'd like you like that. I'm Albus Potter. No way i like you! That would be weird. Right?" Albus asked nervously.

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