Chapter 4:

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Thank you so much if you've voted on this story, or commented because it makes me really happy to see what you guys have to say. (:

This is kind of a filler chapter, but I have big plans that should come into play soon.

Love youuu.


Chapter 4:

The next morning when I woke up, the first thing I did was get up and put on a hoodie before making my way to where the boys were.

"Good morning sunshine." Calum smiled, sitting on the couch next to his girlfriend, Analiya.

"Morning." I grumbled, grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting on the couch across from them.

"You're not even going to say hi to me, Ash?" Analiya smiled, getting up. So just to make her happy I crossed the room to hug her.

"Hi Liya."

The girls were like my sisters. And by the girls I mean Calum and Luke's girlfriends.

I never understood how they managed to be able to get a girlfriend after losing their best friend. Right after Michaels death, we were all a mess. Luke refused to eat, he would stay locked up in his room crying for days at a time. Calum went away for a few days, he couldn't be around us because we were the closest things to Mikey that he had left. We still don't know where he disappeared to either.

But if someone's death effected you so much, how could you just fill that hole in your heart with someone else?

"Ashton?" Calum snapped me out of my daze and I sat back down where I was.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." They nodded, watching me intently. "Um, where's Luke?" To be honest I didn't really care where Luke was, I just didn't want them looking at me with their fake sympathy. They were all tired of me. They had to be.

"Picking up Hannah." Calum said, focused on whatever was playing on TV.

"Oh." It was obvious they didn't want me here, so I got up and went back to my room. Placing my cup of overly sweetened coffee on the table next to my bed and crawling underneath the sheets.

"I don't fit in anymore Michael." I whispered, pulling the covers up so they were shielding me completely. I waited for an answer, although I knew I wasn't going to get one anytime soon.

So I just stayed like that until my eyes eventually closed.


When I woke up, I could feel a weight on my chest. I was still buried underneath the covers, but I could hear giggling.

"How has he not figured it out yet?" Analiya whispered. And knowing immediately that it was the girls, I groaned loudly and rolled over, sending them both off the bed.

"Can we try to not hurt my girlfriend, Ash?" Calum came in, giggling.

"Sorry." I shrugged, sitting up on top of the sheets.

"It was kind of our faults for sitting on him." They said. And for the first time in awhile, I laughed. It wasn't even that funny, but I couldn't help but laugh anyway.

I forgot what it was like to laugh, to have fun, to... Be myself.

I could almost hear him say how much he loved my laugh.

He would tell me that all the time.

I stopped, noticing that everyone was looking at me now. But they weren't staring at me for laughing.

They were staring at what happened last night.

How my sleeves were pushed up, revealing what I swore I would never do again.

The piece of art that was used with a razor instead of a brush.

"Ashton." Calum breathed. "Not again."

"Do you really think that's what Michael would want?" Luke said, his hands trembling as he sat on the edge of my bed.

And as soon as he said that, I snapped.

"Get out."

"Ashton we just want to-"

"GET. OUT." I pointed towards the door, giving them a full view of my arm. Just so they could see how much I needed him, so they could see that I wasn't getting any better. But in fact I was getting worse.

They needed to know. But I wasn't going to tell them, I was going to show them.

And I did as they shuffled out the door.

And once again, I started to cry.

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