Chapter 15:

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Chapter 15:

It was nice seeing something make him happy for once, something good in Michaels life. It was also good to know that I was the one to make him happy.

I woke up without crying for once. Because I knew that Michael was okay. At least, I convinced myself that he was.

I went to the kitchen to see the boys gathered around the table that morning, everyone was acting weird yesterday, and no one would tell me why. All Hannah told me was that Luke and Calum got in a fight.

Today was similar. When I walked into the room, there was an uncomfortable silence, and the girls eventually joined us, but it wasn't much better.

I tried to talk, but they barely said anything, their eyes never met mine.

"I'm just going to go to my room." I sighed, and as soon as I left, they talking started again.


I was the problem here. It was obvious.

I grabbed my phone and turned it to my Michael playlist again, blaring it as loud as it could go and walking into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

As I let the hot water beat against my back, I couldn't help but look at my body. How mutilated it was. All of the cuts and the burns and the scratches and everything I've gone through turned into scars that would stay with me forever.

How did Michael fall in love with me?

I was ugly, I was fat, I was selfish I was annoying, I was... Broken.

And he was beautiful, had a great body, he was selfless, sweet, caring.

But he was broken too.

And that's the one thing we had in common.

We were both broken, and we relied on each to put the other back together.

But when one of us is gone...

You can't be fixed.



That was tonight.

It started out with scenes of Michael, crying and hurting himself because of all the hate he was getting, and his mom hurting him every time he would get home from tour.

And then it switched, to three days after we got off tour with One Direction. I remember it perfectly.

We were all staying at our separate houses for a few days, and then we would go back to the place we all shared for practices and interviews and more tours.

Michael and I were dating by then, and he already knew about how I hurt myself, and I knew about him. Obviously.

It was raining, hard. It was 3 in the morning when there was a frantic knock on my door. And since I was sitting in the living area on my laptop, I was the one to answer it.

Michael was standing there, shivering and sobbing hysterically. He looked awful, his face bruised, his shirt ripped, he didn't look like Michael. My Michael.

"Oh my God, Mikey." I pulled him inside, taking him quickly to my room and into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry." He sighed, still crying as I wrapped a towel around his shoulders, rummaging through my clothes for something he could wear.

"Why are you sorry?"

"F-For coming here."

"Don't be." I handed him a pair of clothes and he looked at me oddly.

"They won't fit." He shook his head. "I'm too big."

"No you're not." I sighed, wiping a tear from his eyes. "I won't look, I promise."

I remember being so upset, so heartbroken by the fact that Michael hated himself so much in that moment.

A minute or so passed and Michael was dressed and sitting next to me on the bed.

"See? You look great." I smiled. He let out a shaky, unsteady sigh before looking down at his arms. They were so scarred, he didn't let anybody else see them but me. Ever. "Michael what happened?"

"Nothing." He looked away


"It was nothing."

"So you just came to my doorstep at three in the morning bruised and crying for no reason?" I raised an eyebrow and Michael sighed, defeated.

"Fine. You can't tell the others okay?" His voice broke. I nodded, grabbing his hand, although he still refused to meet my gaze.

He told me about his mom abusing him.

He told me that tonight it was more verbal, she still obviously hurt him, but he couldn't handle it anymore.

And by the end of his explanation, he was sobbing.

"Mikey." I gingerly wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me."

"Michael that's serious. You should've told someone. Liz probably would've even adopted you if she had to." That made him let out a small smile.

"But you know I don't like being a bother."

"You wouldn't be." I traced his scars gently. "We love you Michael." I got up, turning off the light and pulling Michael so he was laying down on the bed with me. His body was curled up against mine, my arm gingerly wrapped around his waste.

"I love you Ashton." His words caught me by surprise, but I replied with a small

"I love you too Michael."

Before we both fell asleep.

I often looked back on that night, wondering why it meant so much to me. Because that was the first time he ever told me he loved me.

And as corny as it sounds, I cherished that night.

Because he broke down his walls, and let me in. And that night proved it more than anything else.


So I decided to have a sad/sweet chapter because the next chapter is going to be the biggest, hopefully most intense chapter of the entire story.

Wanna know why?





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