Chapter 20:

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Okay this is a really short chapter but I just needed a filler chapter and yeah


I love writing this story so much. It's my baby.

I have another story I'm writing called Numb which is a Muke fanfiction. The mood is a bit lighter than this story, but will still probably be rather sad. But check it out and be sure to read my other stories when I post them <3

Also this chapter is dedicated to CakeGivesTheFeels because I love it when she comments on my stories and the end of her last comment made me laugh really fucking hard. so yeah


Chapter 20:


I gripped Analiyas hand tighter, making her wince slightly.

What if he was alive?

What if this was all some fucking sick joke?

But he couldn't be alive. I watched him die.

"Ash?" Hannah asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Do you want us to go in there with you?"

"N-No it's okay."

"Are you sure?" Analiya added

"Yeah, just go check on Cal and Luke. I'm okay." I gave them a weak smile, and they hugged me tight before joining the boys in the kitchen.

I opened my door hesitantly. And sure enough, there was a package on my bed.

From Michael.

I grabbed a pair of scissors from my desk and shakily tore the tape, ripping the box open to reveal some of Michaels old things.

My favorite things of his.

His gray beanie

His favorite sweatshirt that I would always steal from him.

A picture of the two of us he used to keep hidden in his drawer. It was my favorite photo of us. It was our last concert on the tour with One Direction, Michael and I were sitting on the edge of stage after everyone left. His head was on my shoulder, our fingers intertwined and smiles dancing across our lips as Luke begged us to have him take our photo.

And I'm kind of glad he did.

I set the photo in my drawer, just like he had it and continued going through the box.

His cologne

His favorite guitar pick

The necklace he always wore

And the more I went through it, the more I realized that these were my favorite things of his.

He saved them for me.

I kept picking through, putting his things in certain places, putting on his hoodie and spraying it with his cologne, reading the letters he wrote me, holding his favorite stuffed bear I gave him on Valentines Day. It was all of the things that made him happy, the things that reminded him of me, the things that kept him going as long as he did.

"Oh my God." Hannah and Analiya breathed "There's so much stuff."

"Yeah." I grinned, and the boys shuffled in behind them. Looking at the photos, making fun of us because of the love letters, spraying the cologne on their shirts because it "Smelled like Michael."

I gave Luke the guitar pick

I gave Calum the beanie

I gave Hannah the necklace and Analiya his favorite Blink 182 album. Since they meant a lot to me, I wanted them to have a piece of Michael.

"You would've loved him." Luke smiled, kissing Hannah's cheek.

"He was a great guy." Calum smiled. "He could always put a smile on your face."

"He sounds like it." Hannah smiled, checking the time. "It's getting late, are you not going to eat Ash?"

"Nahh. I'm just gonna get some sleep."

"Well call us if you need anything." Luke clasped my shoulder.

"I will."

And with that, the four of them left the room. I changed into a pair of sweats, throwing on his Green Day shirt and hoodie. They were still huge on me, but they were always pretty big on Michael too. But that's the way he liked them.

I threw the box aside and got under the sheets, grabbing the stuffed bear and hugging it against my chest when I could hear something rustle in the pocket of the hoodie.

I put the bear down, letting my fingers graze the sheet of paper and reached for my lamp, turning the lights on and smoothing out the paper.

Which just happened to be Michael's suicide note.

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