Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:

He led me out of the room, but as soon as he did, it wasn't my house anymore.

"What's going on?" I asked the boy, but he still remained silent, giving me a look and continuing to lead me.

We were in the living room of somebody's house, and there was a scene playing out in front of us.

It was the same boy that brought me here, he was on the couch playing video games biting his lower lip in concentration just like Michael did. Now that I think about it, they kind of looked alike. You know, if Michael was a ten year old boy.


I turned to face the boy who brought me here but he wasn't there anymore, so I turned back.

What was going on?

"Michael!!" A voice cried, his mom ran through the door.

I recognized her immediately. This was Michael, my Michael. It's like I was watching his life.

"Hang on wait until I finish this level." He groaned, continuing to play his game.

"Michael, honey it's about your dad." He kept his eyes on the tv for a moment, motionless as he watched himself die on screen. Like he knew exactly what his mother was about to say.

"Is he dead?" He said slowly, processing every word. And all his mother could do was frown, tears in her eyes before she bundled the boy in a hug.

He never told me that.

Was this even real?

The scene changed again. Michael was still 10, wearing a suit on what I guessed to be the day of his dad's funeral. He didn't cry, he didn't speak, he just stood there. Listening as people he barely knew said kind words about his father. He watched as they lowered the casket into the ground.

And that's when it finally hit him that he was gone.


I woke up screaming, covered in sweat and tears. I felt sick and scared, gripping the side of the bed with my hands shaking.

"What's going on!?" I cried, looking over at the door from across the room where Michael was.

The Michael that I knew.

And all he did was smile, his arms crossed like always as he walked over to me.

"Just wait and see Ash."

And then he kissed my forehead before walking away.

And I started screaming again until I couldn't anymore.

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