Chapter 18:

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Chapter 18:

"Look at all the playgrounds, Luke loves playgrounds."

Analiya and I were driving around Sydney after our little incident, and both of us were stressing out.

I was trying to be the strong one, to calm her down for once.

"I'm so sorry Ash he shouldn't have said that." She said, gripping the wheel. "Hopefully Hannah will whip him into shape." She said, trying to calm down.

"Isn't that supposed to be your responsibility?" I grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, but it's a little hard when you have the overwhelming urge to kill your boyfriend."


"Why is everyone going against him!?"

She sighed, jerking to a stop at the stoplight.

"We're not going against him. But what he said wasn't right. He's been treating you like shit the past few days Ash and you don't deserve that."

"But he has every right to be upset about Michael's death too Liya!"

"I know." She looked down before turning her attention to the road and continuing home. "But he has no right to take it out on you. I know he can get aggressive but-"


"What? Ash-"

"No stop the car!" I pointed to a school playground, with a tall, blonde boy sitting on one of the benches.

So she did.

And I ran out of the car, while it was still moving and ran to him.

"Ashton-" He was sobbing. "What are you doing h-here?"

"Seeing if you're okay."

"Does it look like I'm okay?" He breathed, looking down at his hands. I sat in the swing next to him and he looked away, shaking. "I shouldn't have done that I probably-"

"Luke you didn't do anything."

"I fucking hit Calum!" He cried. "You're just going to tell me that's nothing!?" He kicked some wood chips, crying so hard that he could barely get the words out.

"Hey." I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer and he buried his face in his hands. "It's okay, he'll get over it."

"It's not just that." He sniffed. "I'm trying so hard Ashton, so hard to stay strong for you and Hannah and Analiya and Cal but I can't." He shook his head "And when he said that I just- I couldn't stay strong anymore."

"Trust me, I know how hard it is."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"But I'm letting you guys down."

"No you're not Luke. You never have and you never will."

He didn't say anything for a moment, he just looked down. Trying to get himself under control before whispering a small

"Promise?" He hugged me tight



Luke and I sat at the playground until he was finally stable enough to walk to the car, and Analiya took us home shortly after.

"Luke." Hannah sighed, hugging him tight. "Don't cry baby, it's okay." He didn't say anything, he just tried to hide his emotions as he hugged her back.

"Liya." Calum sighed, a decent sized bruise forming on his cheek. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me." She growled.

"Ashton." He frowned. "I'm sorry about what I said, I'm just scared." He hugged me weakly

"About what?"


My heart sunk.

"I know." I hugged him back. "It's okay."

It was weird being the strongest for once.

Watching as Calum apologized and everyone around me cried.

Cried for Luke

Cried for Michael.

But I felt that they deserved it.

That they deserved to take a break from worrying about me for once.

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