Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7:

Luke ended up finding me last night, and insisted on staying with me. So he slept on the floor, while I got no more sleep.

Why did Michael have to show me that?

Luke woke up around 9:00 the next morning, declaring that he was taking me out today.

"Where are we going?" I groaned, helping him fold up the blankets he used.

"Just out. I thought we would go do a few things before your appointment."

I knew that they wouldn't let me back out of seeing the therapist, so I didn't complain. I just nodded and Luke returned to his room to get ready.

I rummaged through my closet and pulled out a gray t-shirt, black jeans and my black hoodie, throwing it on and grabbing my glasses since I was too lazy to put in contacts.

And for the finishing touch, I lined both arms in rubber bands before putting on my shoes and getting in the passenger seat of Luke's car.

It was weird, when Michael was around, since I was the oldest I was usually the one responsible for the boys. And now, it was Luke's job.

I didn't mean to make it his job. It just happened.

I knew Cal hated me for that, for forcing Luke to become the responsible one, to have to get his license and do things for us when we couldn't.

The car was silent, Luke reached for the knob to turn on the radio and a familiar song came on.

She Looks So Perfect.

Our first single.

"This still plays on the radio?" Luke laughed.

"I bet girls still freak out over you saying 'honey.'" I smiled and Luke returned it.

"This wasn't even our best song."


"I guess people just really like American apparel underwear?" Luke joked, and I laughed. A real laugh.

"You're so dumb Luke."

"Yes but you love me anyways."

"Sadly, yes."

I liked hanging out with Luke, because I could connect with him. He took my mind off of things. He made me feel... Normal.

I didn't even realize that we stopped until Luke was ushering me out of the car and to the door of an old, run down building.

"What is this?"

"You're getting your haircut."

"Dear God Luke."

"Ashton you're starting to resemble a mop."

"Luke." I groaned

"I'll be right there Ash, okay?"

I let out a loud sigh, running my hand through my overwhelming amount of curls and walking through the door.


Luke was right, I looked like a mop.

We were on our way to go get lunch, and then Luke would be dropping me off at my first appointment.

I wasn't ready.

I wasn't ready for someone I've never met to tell me I'm crazy.

I'm not crazy, I'm just broken.

"Do you think Michael would have liked it?" I asked, admiring myself in the mirror.

"I think he would have loved it." Luke smiled at me. "I really think the therapist will help Ash." He added on.


"Yeah. I mean, I miss you." He said, looking down.

"What do you mean?"

Luke's face was filled with worry and concentration, keeping his eyes on the road and not looking at me once.

"I miss the Ashton you used to be. Making keeks and chasing me around the living room with your phone when I didn't want to be on camera."

I smiled at the memory.

"I miss listening to your solos at concerts. Mikey was right, you had a beautiful voice. We should have let you sing more." His hands started to shake, but he kept going. "I miss being on the tour bus with you, when we would just mess around, you and your cajon, and me and my acoustic. I miss you Ashton. I miss who you used to be."


There were tears in his eyes, so he pulled into a parking lot of some consignment store and slammed his hands against the wheel.

His breathing was shaky, and he looked at me, the words dripping out of his mouth.

"I just want my best-friend back."

Little drops fell from his eyes and landed on his legs, and that's when it hit me.

I was hurting him.

I was hurting the ones I cared about the most because I couldn't take care of myself.

Maybe I did need therapy.

Maybe it would help Luke.

I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could, and he returned the gesture.

And we just sat there for awhile.

"You'll get him back." I choked, looking out the window to see Michael staring in at us. He looked so sad, it made my heart hurt even more. "I promise."


Wow this story is fucking depressing.

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