Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13:

The next night was similar to the night before.

Michael was singing to me, crying and not answering any question I asked him.

And then I saw him at 15.

Sitting in the darkness of his room with the blade in his hands again, his face covered in tears and his body shaking.

He pressed the blade against his skin, and after that, it all happened so fast.

Line after line

Each one deeper than the last.

The note on the bed

The bottle of pills on his bedside.

His sobs.

His heart-wrenching sobs.

He emptied the bottle, pills spilling out of his hand.

He could've ended it right there.

He could've taken the pills and been done. But he was crying too hard, he couldn't see through the tears, the blood from his arm all over his clothes and his sheets.

He tried to lift his hand to his mouth.

But there was a voice in the back of his head telling him no.

His head was pounding, so many thoughts and emotions swirling through his head.

He wasn't thinking when he threw the pills, and they scattered across the floor.

He ran to the bathroom, wiping away the blood just to see more surface.

Why didn't he do it?

He could've ended it all right there.

But he didn't.

He told me about this once, when he tried to take his own life. And that one of the only things holding him back was the fact that there would be someone out there who needed him, and he wouldn't be able to help them.

That was always a fear of his.

But yet, he let whatever happened, happen and he left.


The scenes switched quickly, and there was another flashback of the two of us.

4 days before Michael died.

"Wake up!" He ran into my room, tackling me and sitting on my chest. "Ashy! Wake up! Wake up!" He shrieked, sounding similar to a kid waking his parents up on Christmas morning.

"Whaaat?" I groaned, opening my eyes to see a giant smile on his face. He pointed to his hair first, which was a rich black and red, opposed to the black and purple it was the day before.

"It looks great!" I smiled, attempting to sit up, making Michael sit on my legs instead.

"I had Lou help me do it while you were asleep."

"What time is it?"

"1 in the afternoon." He laughed, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh." I giggled nervously and Michael sloppily kissed my cheek.

"When you're ready meet me in the kitchen, I'm taking you out."

"Where are you going to take me? You can't drive."

"We're gonna walk. It's not too far."

"But that requires effort Mikey." I groaned.

"If you get tired, I'll carry you." He smiled, giving me another kiss on the lips this time before smiling and slipping out the door.

I giggled and went to my closet, slipping on a Nirvana shirt and black skinny jeans, lining my arms with bracelets and placing my beanie on my head before running out the door.

"Come on!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the front door and started running.

"Mikey slow down!"

He giggled and continued running.

"Where are we going!?"

"It's a surprise!" He called back, grabbing my hand tighter.

"But do we have to run!?"

"Yes! We have to get there now!"

We ran until I couldn't anymore, and Michael as promised carried me on his back the rest of the way.

"We're here Ash." He smiled and I slid off his back, grabbing his hand.

It was absolutely beautiful.

It was an area on top of a cliff overlooking the water, the trees covering us in so it was just the two of us. The water was sparkling from the way the sun was hitting it and it was... Perfect.

"Michael." I breathed "How did you find this place?"

"I used to come here all the time, this time of the day is the best, which is why I was in a rush to get you here." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"It's perfect Mikey."

And at that moment, I could see it in his eyes that something was wrong. Something wasn't right. But I didn't act on it, figuring it was nothing.

I remember that day perfectly. It was one of my last memories of Michael. It pained me to hold onto it, but I did.

Because that was one of the best days of my life.

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