Chapter 10:

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So I decided to have a bit of a happy filler chapter, since they've been sad and are probably going to be sad. So yeah. I'm bringing in Hannah and Analiya a bit more, yes they are based off of two of my best friends, no they did not ask to be in the story. I wanted to put them in. And the photo is of Analiya. Since we're only sixteen I couldn't really put in a real photo in so this is how I imagined her character XD

Sooo. Yeah!


Chapter 10:

I woke up to the sound of my door opening, and Analiya and Hannah sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Rise and shine princess!" Analiya chimed, jumping up just enough to fling herself on the empty space next to me, and Hannah did the same.

"We're taking you out!" Hannah smiled, jumping into a sitting position.

"Last time you took me guys out you dragged me along to tell you if you looked good in every dress you tried on." I smiled, closing my eyes.

"We won't. I promise." Analiya sat on my chest and I rolled my eyes before replying with



They left long enough for me to get dressed, and then dragged me out to the car. Calum and Luke just laughed, giving the girls hugs and telling them to "take good care of me." Before we were on the road.

I was stuck in the backseat, Hannah driving and Analiya in the passenger seat. Hannah was playing some rap song I've never heard of and the two of them were dancing.

"Come on! Loosen up Ash!" Hannah called.

"But I'll look dumb!"


"We're in a car for fucks sake." Analiya smiled, waiting to stop at a red light before she hopped in the backseat with me. "Just move to the beat."

Hannah turned on a different song and Analiya started to sway, moving around and throwing her hands in the air. I tried to mimic her but failed miserably.

"I told you I looked dumb!!" I groaned and they shook their heads.

"You'll get the hang of it."

"I highly doubt it."

The music got louder, but instead of some song I didn't recognize, it was an All Time Low song. They were one of my favorites.

And at that moment, I didn't care. Everything that's been going on for the past few years just faded away. The music was so loud I couldn't hear myself think, but I could care less. It reminded me of our concerts, every bit of it was a flash into what our lives used to be like.

I started air drumming and the girls started laughing, cheering and clapping and moving along to the beat.



After a bit more driving, we eventually arrived at some restaurant that Hannah thought I might like. We sat down and ordered our food, waiting when I looked at them oddly.

"Can I ask you something?" Analiya nodded, her brown hair falling in front of her eyes.

They were both beautiful girls, and as much as it tore me apart to see Calum and Luke replacing the spot that Michael left, I'm glad they were together. They really cared about each other.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" Hannah asked, clueless.

"This." I waved my hands around awkwardly. "Taking me out, showing me how to not look like a total idiot, taking me to lunch. I mean. I don't mind I just-"

"We felt bad about the other day. And we wanted to make it up to you." Hannah looked down, playing with the edge of her napkin and Analiya nodded, reaching across the table to squeeze Ashton's shoulder.

"It's obvious that you don't have anyone to talk to besides Calum and Luke. And we just want to be there for you Ash. I'm not planning on letting Calum and I break up anytime soon and I'm pretty sure Hannah feels the same way about Luke so you might as well learn to deal with us."

I looked down, smiling weakly and she looked at me sympathetically.

"You might not realize it but we care about you Ash. And we just want you to be okay."

And as the girl who looked like she had no experience working in a restaurant handed us our food, I mouthed a small thank you before we went on with our day.

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