Chapter 12:

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This chapter might be triggering to some, just a warning.

Also on the previous two chapters I added a character photo and Analiya and Hannah just so everyone could get an idea of what they looked like:)

Chapter 12:

After I saw Michael and I on the porch, I woke up crying and Hannah and Luke ended up running in, staying with me until I eventually dozed off again. I didn't tell them what I saw, I just told them the usual.

"I saw Mikey again."

It was about 9 the next morning, and I entered the kitchen to see four bodies sitting around drinking coffee.


"Morning." Analiya muttered, sitting on Calum's lap sleepily.

"Someone looks tired." I smirked. "What were you two up doing?"

"Oh nothing." She teased.

"Calum you naughty boy." Luke gasped in a slightly flamboyant voice, making Hannah laugh- who was sitting next to him with her legs on his lap.

"Oh God, we didn't do anything." He laughed, throwing his head back. "We stayed up and watched Teen Titans for God's sake."

"Mhmm." Hannah raised an eyebrow

"Seriously!" Calum groaned and Analiya just laughed, poking his cheek. "And what about you two?" He pointed to Luke.

"Oh now don't pull that shit, they were with me half the night." I grabbed a mug out of the cabinet and walked over to the coffee pot.

"Ashton aren't you gay?" Analiya tilted her head. Her question caught me off guard, and I ended up spilling coffee on the counter.

"Not like that!" I shrieked, flustered.

And after a few seconds, everyone started laughing.

Whether it was the previous conversation, Analiyas comment or the fact that I completely missed my coffee mug- I don't know. But we all started laughing.

It started out as dull giggles and grew hysterical in a matter of seconds.

But it was perfect.

It was the way things should be.


After our little kitchen scene, I ended up going back to my room.

My room was relatively neat, which I'm not sure how that happened since I never leave it.

I loved it in here though. It wasn't overly decorated, it held nothing more than a few posters on the walls. But this room held memories.

I closed the door quietly and grabbed my phone, hooking it up to my speaker before clicking on my playlist.

It was filled with Michael's favorite songs, a few we both liked, and even a couple that he would sneak on there that reminded him of me.

The intro to I Miss You by Blink 182 came on and I smiled to myself before pacing mindlessly.

I could almost hear him singing along.

I could almost see him bobbing his head from side to side as he strummed on his guitar and sang as loud as he could.

And in those moments, where Michael would get lost in the music.

Those were the moments I cherished most.

When Michael was at his happiest.


I sat in my room all day and just listened to our playlist, memories of each song flashing through my mind as the day went on.

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