Chapter 8:

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Ayy shit chapter

Chapter 8:

Luke dropped me off at therapy about an hour later, telling me that he'd be back soon before driving off.

I stepped inside hesitantly,instantly being greeted who I assumed was my new therapist.

I didn't want to be here, but I was going to put up with it.

For Luke.

For Calum.

And for Michael.

"Hello!" The lady chimed, smiling wide. "I'm Doctor Green, and you're Ashton?"

"Yes ma'am." I smiled, shaking her outstretched hand.

She led me into her office, ushering me to sit down on the couch while she sat across from me.

"So." She put her hands together. "Before we get started, I just want you to know that anything I ask that you're not comfortable with, you don't have to answer. Just know that I want to help you."


She closed her eyes and breathed in before opening them once more, a smile on her face.

"So, why do you think you're here?"

"Because my friends think I'm crazy." I muttered, and she looked at me oddly.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because-" I cut myself off and she ushered for me to keep going. "Because of what I see, and what I do."

"What do you see, Ashton?"

"I see him. I see Michael." I closed my eyes, not wanting to meet her gaze, and I could hear her heavy sigh.

"Who's Michael?"

"He is-was.. My boyfriend."


I opened my eyes and looked down.

"We dated for 2 years. And he's been dead for 3 years."

"I'm so sorry, Ashton." She leaned forward, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine."

"Now, you say you see him?"

"Yes. In my dreams."

She wrote something down in her notebook and I gripped the edge of the couch harshly.

"Don't let her get in your head." I could hear a voice whisper, and knowing it was Michael, I just leaned back and listened to everything she said until the appointment was over.


Luke picked me up about an hour later and took me home, where Calum was sitting on the couch.

"Ah, so he actually did it." He said, pausing the TV.

"Hi Calum." I muttered, walking towards my room.

"Wait-" he called out and I paused, spinning on my heels and walking back towards him. "I'm sorry about last night."

"It's okay." I groaned. "You're just happy that I'm finally accepting the fact that he's gone. That I went to therapy just so she could help me forget about him."

"I don't want you to forget Ashton. I just don't want you to hurt yourself over him."

"But I'm lost without him Cal!" I stomped my foot. "What am I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait for him to come back?!"


"I just want him back Calum." My voice broke, and he looked at me. His expression was heartbreaking. A mixture of fear, and sorrow, with tears in his eyes.

And as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, I broke down. Relying on him to put me back together.

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