Chapter 1

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Y/N=Your name

Y/L/N=Your last name

Y/H=Your house

You were sitting in the great hall admiring the snow falling lighter then feathers on the outside of the big window. Up front all the teachers were sitting, and you could hear professor Lupin and professor Dumbledore laugh loudly, while Flitwick and Trelawney was paying attention to a rather heated conversation that was going on between professor Snape and McGonagall, while the rest of the teachers were comfortable just eating in the company of others.

It was the last couple of days before students could start traveling home for the holidays. They were going on a camp you had no intentions on going on. The other day professor McGonagall had been going on and on about how a fieldtrip was a privilege and not something one should take for granted, and how students whom behaved badly would not have the opportunity to go with the school to visit the ministry of magic after the holidays. The trip was going to some big stupid ice skating thing where students were going to learn how to skate. It was a three-day camp. Falling on ice for 3 days? No thanks. You would much rather have the castle entirely to yourself, let your last days be somewhat quiet.

The air was filled with sweet perfume, laugher, voices, and heatwaves from food. The moments in the big hall were always something you'd look forward to, a social hour with the rest of the houses.
On the far wall to the left was a table that was unusually loud today, and you could see a blonde head standing up amongst the long row of people.
The Slytherin table naturally had no respect what so ever for the people enojoying their food in peace and quiet. Loudest of the lot was the white headed Draco Malfoy.

Let me tell you about Draco Malfoy.  Draco Malfoy had a feeling of superiority to everyone else, even his fellow slytherins. There wasnt a single thing you liked less the Malfoy boy. Draco had had it out for you since your second year at Hogwarts. When coming back from the summer going in to your third year you accidentally bumped in to him as you were crossing the bridge, causing him to dramatically fall dropp his books over the railing. He'd sworn that he'd make you pay and that his father would hear about it. Malfoy had a new girlfriend every week, and had probably been involved with half the school.

At the far right of the room the hufflepuff table were discussing the lastest quidditch match, and politely bathing in the yellow and black colours of their house.

Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a flying chicken wing that hit the back of your head  followed by gasps from some of the students sitting around you. It felt like being hit with a rubberball. You touched the back if your head slowly and felt a sticky substance like glue in your hair. As you wiped your hand on a napkin a familiar voice started a wave of laughter spreading trough the quiet room. All the stuck up students, intimidated by Malfoy started laughing viciously and pointing at you. The arms of their green and black robes fell to their elbows as they lifted their hands higher, aiming at your face.

You could feel their eyes scorch though the back of your head like a lazer. The Malfoy boy's laughter isolated out all the other voices and became a rumble you couldnt ignore. You decided to raise above it. You decided that you were too good to get in to troubble because of a little boy desperate for aprooval. Your rolled up your sleeves and took a few deep breaths before sticking your eyes to the snow outside of the large window.

You settled back in and continued your meal. The mashed potatoes today you had to admit was scrumptious. You dug your fork in to the pile of yellow potatoes and lifted them in direction of your face before another piece of chicken graced your head and landed on your plate sending the pile of godsent potatoes all over your face.  A split second of confusion om your part was followed by rage. You looked down at the table and at the little dinosaur tattoo on your wrist to snap back to reality.

A new wave of silence and ghasps roared like a hurricane trough the crowd. The trachers didnt seem to notice. The wet mush slowly slid down your face and back on to your plate. Looking up you met the eyes of your best friend sitting opposite of you. Her eyes were honey brown and her black har had mashed potatoes in the edges. "It's not worth it Y/N". Her silky voice cut the haunting silence. She smiled at you, knowing what was about to happen.

You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths, before a second wave of laughter rolled trough the vast ocean of students, bouncing off the walls. Your friend sitting across you haded you their napkin. Malfoys laughter ran trough the air. His hair bounced up and down intact with his movements.

You clenched your jaw and wiped the mashed potato off the sleeves of your robe. "Hey Y/N" Draco sat on the table yelling trough the loud voices. His hand rested on his thigh. As his words smoothly slid through the air you debated wether to react or not. You didnt really think it trough before you turned around and met his eyeline.

"You havent seen my chickenwing anywhere have you?" He smirked. "Cause I cant seem to find it" He lifted his hands on each side of his body with a straight palm. You gazed over the slytherin studens about to burst in to laughter. "You think about this one?" You stood up and hurled the wing across the room as Draco wasnt paying attention. You could still feel the barbeque sauce tangling in your hair, gently tugging on individual strands of hair. The teachers didnt seem to have caught wind of what happened before the wing hit Draco in the face with a slappy noise.

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