Chapter 9

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Your head is spinning, and your body feels numb. Draco groans and whimpers of the ground beneath you and you can spot blood on his forehead '' Omg are you gonna scar to now Draco? Wanna be Potter much?'' You say to yourself and tilt your head to the left. Your senses seem distant, but your head is clear. You quickly turn around and crawl for your life down the dark vent, you have done a lot of crazy and dumb shit in your life but this is by far the worst. You take a second to consider your options: You could jump down on his face and run the hell out of here, but you have no idea where to go, or how to find your way out, and it's a big chance he catches you, or you could start crawling for your life in to the dark vent where you don't see shit, or have no idea where you might end up, where the chances of him catching you are pretty slim.

You waste no time on checking if he is alright or positioning yourself properly, you lift yourself up on all four and start crawling as if your life depended on it. You fumble around in the dark, and the light from the room is about to disappear behind you. The vent is cold and you can feel the dirt clinging to your hands. The vent is square and barely big enough for you to crawl, the floor is cold, and you can feel small stripes along your fingers, and your knees are already starting to feel numb, and your head gets heavy. You can hear him behind you, cursing and you can hear the vent ''door'' crash in to a wall. ''Okay is this how you want to play?'' You can hear his words coming trough his tightly clenched jaw. ''Wanna be Potter my ass, he can't even stay on his feet long enough to take his head out of his ass'' Your stomach tightens to keep yourself from laughing. '' Well you can't keep yourself on the ground long enough to take your head out of everybody else's ass, and by the way you suck at hide and seek'' You yell back before you take a left turn and meet a down hill, and slide down face first. ''Ouch, hitting me where it hurts, my seeking skills.'' You roll your eyes, just before you feel the entire vent shaking when he jumps up and wiggles his feet up. ''Oh.My.God he just won't give up.'' You think annoyed as you keep crawling. You hear the echo of the stairways moving above you, and the house ghosts talking to each other. You turn around and you hear Draco's knees meeting the floor over and over, and the palm of his hands smashing repeatedly against the floor. By the time your eyes are used to the dark, you have already taken like 5 turns. You crawl as soundlessly as possible, and to be honest you do an excellent job, you can barely hear yourself. You feel the adrenaline rushing trough your veins, like all this extra energy. Your eyes seems to not get used to the darkness, so you fumble around using your hands as shields. The road splits again and you turn your whole body to the right and continue to crawl like a little bug. You can't hear Draco anymore, the only thing you hear is the sound of your own breathing, and your heart beating in your ears. This is not the same scenery as spies crawling in movies, you can barely fit and you have been dangerously close to be stuck more times than you can count. The adrenaline is pumping like crazy, and you feel strangely excited. ''What an ass'' You whisper to yourself, followed by your own soundless laughter, and a big smile. You fumble around in the dark tunnel for what feels like days, and you can feel your hands covered in a thick layer with germs and dust all the way up to your elbows, and your knees sore and numb.

You can hear nothing but your own uneven breathing, and the wind howling in the hollow hallways. If you had to guess, you were located somewhere over the library, specifically the restricted section. You usually went out in the middle of the night when you could not sleep, or just because you wanted to be alone. So you were familiar where the wind whined, where it echoed, and where it sang. You could hear the wind force its way trough, while the windows tried to shut it out, a war of howling and screaming. You are suddenly very aware that you are still stuck inside the vent, and the question now was how were you supposed to get out? You had lost your wand, and your creativity was down, so you kept on crawling further in, the plan was to find an opening in the vent, find out where exactly you were, and get out of the god damn vent. You could feel your eyes starting to itch because of all the dust, and the impure air. You took a few more turns, left, right, right, left, and an up hill when suddenly far ahead you spotted light, and fresh new air were coming in, and you felt the cold air trough your pants, and you didn't realize just how numb your knees were until you noticed that you could not feel the cold air biting in to your skin. In a quick motion a strain of hair fell down in front you, and you caught it between your hand and the vent as you were moving forward, and forced your head down towards the floor of the vent. As you kept crawling the light came closer and close, and you could hear the wind pushing the bars up before it released it, and the bars fell freely, right in to hands of steel triangles, ready to catch it, and the process repeated.

The light from the vent shone up on you, literally up. You hung your head above the light and looked directly down on an old brown bookshelf, and some green and blue books sprinkled out on the floor. See? I told you I were familiar with the castle, you think to yourself, that is the  one thing that makes the difference between you and Draco, and the thing that decides whether or not he is going to catch you.  You start turning the nails keeping the vent in place, and you turn it around until it falls out, you do the same for the three others. The vent makes a small click when you lift it up, and the triangles are left without anything to support.


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