Chapter 8

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 He closes up and you wait for the sound of your door to burst open. You hear the door across the hall slamming in to the wall, and his big fat flat feet step on and over the frame of the door, and the yellow sunlight hits his face.

You see his bright white hair being swept away by the warm sunlight consuming all colours. The air from the vent is cold and sneaks up on you, and under your sweater goosebumps creep over your entire body. He starts off by searching the balcony, and behind the curtains. ''Yeah right, stupid'' You think to yourself in a sarcastic voice while rolling your eyes. He hangs his upper body over the railing of the balcony and looks down at the water being moved around by the soft cold breeze filled with orange leaves. He turns his head to the right, and the wind suddenly flips his hair up, and you are astonished by how different he looks without the ''scout boy'' hair style. The wind flips it up, and slithers its cold fingers in between the strict slick hair, and he looks like a different person, he looks older, more mature, and it changes his looks from the ''super-strict-businessman'', to a more relaxed and laid back style, it looks good on him. He moves his head and looks to the quidditch pitch. ''What the hell do you think I am?'' You mouth the words soundlessly and bring your eyebrows down to a frown while opening your eyes as far as they go, you wrinkle your nose and lift your upper lip like a horse. You feel like a complete creep watching him from a vent, in secret. Yeah, if you didn't know the story and you heard me creeping from the vent, you would totally think I'm one of the girls stalking him and stealing his underwear and shit. Desperate times, desperate measures, right? He turns his head to the left, towards the courtyard and against the wind. He squints his eyes as he sees the sunlight reflect from the other windows in the castle. You can see that time has passed, as the orange light that was yellow lights up his face, and he takes a deep breath of fresh wind, even from the dark vent you can hear the crown of the trees rattling , and the waves colliding with the same rocks they had collided with for hundreds of years. You lie creeping on him from the vent, completely silent, thinking that if you move the vent would move and fall, he would find you, and that would mean your lost, and you are not losing to his rude ass. He turns around and scoff, and the sunlight hit him from behind, like a glory, and he passes in to a shadow, stretching over all his secrets and hidden charms. He steps foot back in to the room, and a white silk curtain blows in his face and he hysterically waves his arms at it, and the metal rings holding the curtain up, squeaks back and forth as he tangles his arms in the large piece of fabric. ''Argh'' He exclaims in frustration. Trying not to laugh has never been harder with your mouth wide open, and you close your eyes while your laughter hysterically jumps around in your lunges. If only you had filmed this oh sweet mother of Jesus, it would go viral so fast, oh man. He frees himself and draws a deep breath, like the curtain was suffocating him, holly crap you would pay to see it again, in slow motion. He moves in to the bathroom.

His big hands gripped around the shower curtain, and ripped it aside. "Oh my god, I dont... I.. this isn't... I.." you are astonished how stupid he thinks you are, and how little creative. " I am so winning hide and seek with you, stopid" you dont know what to say, and your brain automatically come up with an insult. He exhales, like he is tired of playing, and drag his feet over the floor, and his shoelace clicks against the floor, the thick white expensive marble floor. The dark hollow vent was cold, and wind was being sucked trough the bars. You roll your eyes again as a breath of the cold autumn air blows trough the balcony doors aiming for the dark vent. The fresh wind smells like mountains, and sunshine, and the cold causing shivers going trough your entire body.

You could not see him anymore, just hear his frustration and his big feet stomping all over the floor. You lie completely still, and try to control your breathing, you try to take control over your exhaling, try not to exhale too quickly, and you breathe as quietly as you are capable of, without physically dying. You can hear him in the bathroom going trough the toiletries. "What the fuck are you looking for, what are you expecting to find? Stupid." He sighs, when he realises he has no idea what he is looking for, and he pushes some face creams over the edge of the sink, and it hits the floor with a loud crash, causing you to scare, and causing your body to commit sudden movements, and the bars covering the entrance of the vent clinks against the dark tunnel. The second you regain control of your reflexes its too late, Draco is heading back in to the bedroom. " I knew it! so you are here, its only a matter of time before I find you, you might as well give up, surrender yourself, you know, admit that you've lost." You widen you eyes as you see him move towards the pile of clothes where you lost your wand, and towards the vent. His head was nodded down and his feet moving slowly, taking small steps. Your wand is lying half way buried in a pile of dirty clothes, and you can feel the energy reaching out for you, do you think he can feel it too? He stops almost right under the vent and his laughter is so calm, yet so exciting, he knows he got you trapped, he knows you have no where to run, and he knows that he is about to win the game. The room seems so big, and you feel like an ant, well to be fair he is the ant, an annoying creature being places he isn't supposed to, and crawling all over every bodies business, spying from the corner. Okay pretty ironic coming from me right now, but in my defence, this is my first and last time, plus this is all his fault. The wrinkle in between his brows gets clearer as he realizes I am not in the room, and he exhales loudly and playfully his foot keeps messing around in the pile of clothes, and you can hear the surprising sound of his shoe hitting the wand, and you see his face light up like a Christmas tree, seconds after, your heart stops beating and your mouth stops breathing. His eyebrows sink and his frown creates two road bumps in his forehead, and he very slowly lifts his head up, and his eyes meet yours and you both smile, before you wink and drop the heavy white vent bars, and with a loud sound it hits him, and he crashes to the ground. 

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