Chapter 5

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Draco sat down on the arm of the chair closest to the opening leading back to the staircases. ''Is that so?'' You could feel the fire from his eyes slowly run its flames up and down your body. ''Draco baby you might be pretty but the low point of your IQ really brings down your average»

He laughed and leaned his head back so you could see his Adams-apple on his throat like a large road bump. He was wearing a black suit like always, and his hair hanging slick down the side of his head, not short enough to see his skin trough his hair, but not long enough to style it. ''You have quite the fucking attitude, don't you?'' His voice is harsh and cold. ''What do you mean'' You totally know what he is talking about ''don't play stupid, I'm starting to think you are not acting anymore'' You roll your eyes so hard that a sharp pain strikes behind your eyes, and you have to blink hard. ''hope that hurt.'' Draco snickers. ''You know... out of all my body parts I think my eyes might just be in the best shape, I do about 3000 eyerolls a day, so don't worry hun'' You saw him bite his lower lip and letting his head fall, facing the ground, and you could hear his breath uneven rush in and out of his lungs, laughing a silent laugh. ''Why are you suddenly in such a good mood?" He looks at you while the smile fades from his face. "You're so silent one might think you were out of insults" You smiled and made eyecontact.
He looked at you. ''You just want to argue with me because you like the sound of my voice.'' He laughed a little, enough to show you he said it sarcastically.

You look at him and burst out in laugh, you bent down and rest your hands on your knees, before feeling you boob slipping out of your bra. You raise your head and casually glide your eyes back to his and you start talking with a pleading but sarcastic voice. ''Oh, yes Draco-" You bat your eyelashes. You sweeten your voice. "I cant begin to comprehend how I've lived my whole life without the music that is your voice". You sweetened your voice enough to make a diabetic person panic. His eyes are flirtatiously humerous, and you can tell he's laughing inaudiably. You turn around towards the windows and pull the top of your bra out from your skin and up towards your shoulder and your boob smoothly falls back in to your bra, and you disguise it by scratching your neck before turning around.

Your hand slides across the right side of you your neck, slowly trailing your nails down your shoulder. You can see his eyes following the motion of your hand, down your neck and slightly gazing the curve of your shoulder, all the way down the length of your arm. You can see his stare eat you up, and his eyes widen. "What'' You hang your head up high and sigh. He instantly breaks his stare and brings his eyes straight to yours. A strain of hair floats down in his face. ''Looks like your wig is falling off''. You pointed to the white straw shadowing his eyebrow and laughed a little. ''Did you just laugh at your own joke'' Draco looked at you ironically.  ''You would too if you could make jokes''. You push your tongue against the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from laughing out loud again. As your eyes meet his, you can tell he found it funny, he almost smirked, but had to protect his ego. You both laugh together without making a sound, and it felt like you had known eachother forever. He looked at you before flipping his hair out of his face with one quick head motion.

The inaudiable laughter fades out and turns in to a thick pressing tension. His eyes touched the curve of your waist. Your souls meet as he looked back in to your eyes to see if you caught him staring. "Seeing something you like?" You pushed your hip out further to show you werent embarrased by him.
He breaks his stare, sighs softly pulls the left side of his mouth to a smirk, but before he gets the chance to say something you quickly follow up with another remark "Because I dont". You maintain eyecontact as your face turns serious and you wait for his comeback. In the distance you can hear the staircases rumble, and the wind graciously wiff trough the castle. "Well-". Tired by the silence, you break it. "As much fun as this has been, I need to pop out now". You flip your hair from your shoulder and pick up the black book from the floor. The air gently stoke your arm. You look at Draco before descretly mooving towards the exit. As your eyes meet you can see the exact second he knew what you were thinking.

Suddenly you both run towards the door, Draco beating you to it, blocking the exit ''Move Draco'' He nods his head down and looks at you. ''Seriously move!'' he just looks at you with his grumpy little  face. "You're an asshole, you know that?" He laughs. "I bet you anything there's a special place in hell for people like you". He looked down on you and laughed while broadening his shoulders.

Aggrivated you stomp your foot in the ground so hard your ankle feels numb, clench your fist, and curse loudly then turn around and walk in the opposite direction, with absolutely no idea where you are headed. "There's nothing for you in that direction Y/N" He shouts after you as your hand tightly holds on to the little black book and you walk up a stair made of oak wood. "Draco, there could be a serialkiller around the corner saying I could either go back to being in the same room as you, or he was going to make me stick a fork in my eyesocket, and I still wouldnt turn around". You head him exhale trough his nose patiently. With your back turned you walked towards the sunlight coming from the hall.
"Allright, keep walking, but you're only fucking yourself", Draco snickered knowing you'd get lost. His voice was confident and demeaning. You rolled your eyes and laughed audioably before turning around just enough to see your words knock the air out of his lunges. "Fucking myself? My darling Draco, I already know thats exactly what you picture before you fall asleep at night". You smiled cockily before you rounded the edge of the room, and he dissapeared out of the corner of your eye.

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