Chapter 15

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You didn't think much of it, you sat down and reached for your wand an cast a subtle light over the yellow pages as you opened your favorite book and were about to settle in, as you realized what was wrong. You took a dramatic moment and just looked at your wand.


Your wand pulsated in white light and the letters on the yellow parchment melted in to unreadable words. You were unfocused, and the more unfocused you became, the faster the ink melted of the pages and the letters seemed to flow in to your lap. The bright white light cast a shadow over the left side of your face as you tried to snap out of the mild shock of realization. The light from your wand slowly fades as you stare blankly at the purple curtain separating you from reality. The light turns completely off, and the sudden darkness makes you focus on your other senses. You sit completely still, so quietly you are debating weather you're breathing or not. The reflection from ceiling lights reflects in a shining artifact on the outside. Creating a light in the darkness. You debate yourself on what to do, when suddenly you were dragged out of your thoughts by the sound of something meeting the ground and rolling around, sounding like a hollow metal object, like a trophy or a cup. Your hear skip a beat as you bring yourself to silent panic. Suddenly the pile of abandoned artifacts starts moving, and the shadow of tall a slender boy's figure slowly moves towards you. You have no idea what to do, its not like you could just dissapear, you aren't Harry Potter for the love of god. The shadow moves closer, and the slender figure casts a shade over the entrance. ''Fuck'' You whisper. The shadow is moving at a dangerous pace, and you pick up your wand. ''Nox'' You whisper and point your wand towards the world outside, and as everything goes dark, you soundlessly sneak out under the soft sheet.

The way is clear and you crawl on all four. As the last bit of your leg leaves your hiding place you can hear the curtain being lifted and the sound of someone breathing heavily. ''What even'' Draco's voice cuts trough the silence and your heart skips a few beats as you keep crawling, over a cabinet, and around piles of clothes and unused jewelry. The path is tight and your back is pushing against the rough walls, your chest almost touching whatever you're passing. Suddenly lights stream trough the room and a feeling of exposure wells up inside of you. ''Y/N'' His voice cuts trough the space between you. He looked around the large spacious room. ''Finestra'' You whispered as you pointed your wand towards the ceiling and ducked under a chair. The lights flickered for a second before the sound of light bulbs exploding echoed trough the room, and glass fell down like rain. Draco growled loudly and you heard him desperately trying to find a place to hide, when suddenly it sounded like the whole pile of stuff collapsed under his feet.

The silence decended and all lights were eaten by shadows. You wasted no time, you crawled out and continued your path towards freedom. You knew the room like the back of your hand, but navigating trough the dark made things a little bit more challenging. ''Damn it Y/N'' A voice in the dark yelled out. The darkness and intensity of his voice startled you. ''I'm trying to play nice'' He yelled. You wondered what he even wanted, its not like you had unfinished business. You laughed and kept moving. ''No matter how you play, you'll never win'' You thought and rounded a corner, and met the eyes of the half open heavy wooden door. The moonlight that entered trough the openings created a runway of light. You hid behind a large closet, you stood in the corner, and just looked at the door, hoping that some brilliant idea just would magically appear in your head. You looked at the other side of the room thinking that he was watching you, then your eyes slid to the open floor, the lights that lit up the naked, exposed road, the last few meters towards freedom.

You looked around yourself, paranoid that he was just standing behind you, or waiting around the corner, but he was no where to be seen. You stepped closer to the wall and further from hiding. So aware of everything that your own breathing seemed to switch from automatic to manual. It was like time stood still, you couldn't hear anything, nothing moved except you, the lights outside didn't even flicker. You lifted yourself up on your tippy toes and ran for it. You ran towards the exposed floor. As you got closer, the light swiped across your face, and you jumped from leg to leg avoiding pieces of shattered glass. The air got caught in your hair as you ran. The distance wasn't long, but it seemed to be miles and miles. The exposure to the light forced you to feel exposed and naked as you ran. The room was filled with an unsettling silence. As the door got closer, your adrenaline started rushing trough your body. You felt your heart try to jump out of your body, and your thighs started shaking. You looked down to avoid a large piece of glass as your freedom was almost a reach away. You looked up just as the door blew shut in one motion, and a laughter resembling a dog toy mocked you. You didn't care if he saw you, you threw yourself against the door, and put your whole weight in to it, but to no use.

You faced the door as you heard footsteps behind you, and you knew he was walking up behind you, you didn't bother turning around. You breathed in sharply as you in one quick motion tried reaching for your wand, but as you were about to yank it out of your pocket a cold set of fingers locked around your wrist, and you felt the hot air from his breathing travel down your neck. Goosbumps traveled over your body, as you slowly turned around, and his piercing cold eyes met yours.


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