Chapter 7

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On your way up, your eyes again meet a curious artifact. It was a painting of a man in his late 50's. His face was very structured and his eyebrows bushy, he wore a robe so long it went all the way from his shoulders to the floor and floated around is ankles like a circle. He had had a long grey beard, you could see tiny traces of black, and that it was black before it faded to a darker grey colour. His robe was black with a thick golden snake around the neckline. The painting was old, but very well preserved, and surrounding it was a big golden frame, almost as thick as the picture itself. The painting was very narrow and was very long appose to thick, and by the way it was preserved, you could tell it was valuable.

''Y/N'' He shouts your name from down the hall. ''You know I'm going to find you eventually right?'' His voice is sarcastic and playful when he finishes his sentence he sniggers loudly ''We are the only students that stayed behind, you are bound to run in to me sometime, but you are not familiar around these paths, so I highly doubt you are going to make it out on your own, oh well.'' He breaths out his last words. You press your back up against the wall, in to the shadows and beg that he will walk the way you didn't to save you some time, and you stand still waiting for a sound. You know he can't see you, but you roll your eyes just for the hell of it. ''Well see'' You mouth to yourself with a sassy face, and you soundlessly continue up the stairs, and think about what a complete dick he is, and how you are going to show him who's the boss. You walk right, and right, and right again, the staircase seems to go on and on forever, not leading anywhere. Your thoughts swarm in your head and you rest your ears on the sound of the wind howling on the outside of the thick stone walls. You pass many out blown candles on your way up and the entire tower smells burned. You let your fingers softly glide over the harsh surface of the walls, and the slytherin wall carpets hanging every 3 turn. The tapestry was woven the most delicate way possible. The green colour looked tasty and the gold was so clear, like it was carefully made of sunlight and heat, so clear it almost lit up the dark. ''Y/N'' Draco's voice echoed bounced of the walls in the tower and hit you in the face, your pace instantly quickened. ''You better be good at hiding, because I am coming for you, and you're going to loose" He takes a long pause, waiting for you to answer. ''Fine, have it your way'' You stand completely still and wait for him to do something. ''Okay Y/N I am coming for you'' You can hear him run up the stairs as fast as his feet can bare him and his shoes over and over again scraping against the uneven stone stairs.

You suddenly loose control of your body and you run faster then you ever have before. You turn two more times to the right and the stairway gets brighter and you spot the black floor and the orange sunlight. The stairs led to a second ''living room'' with a fireplace, bookshelves and 7 couches. The fireplace was in the middle of a wall, with halls on each side with doors. You walked the stairs for a good 8 minutes wich means you have about 4 minutes before he comes bursting in on you. You make for one of the hallways and run as far in as you get. ''Y/N'' Draco's voice sounds 3 times as clear when he shouts from the hollow stairway. ''I know you are here, you better run and hide, because here I come'' You can hear his footsteps in the distance and you make for a door on the left side. Your hand locks around the black round handle, and you push in the door with your entire body and you fall in... on your face. Before you do anything you soundlessly close the dark oak door. You turn around and rest your back against the door and breath heavily.

The room is big and cold and it is decorated just like the rest of the rooms and hallways. It is decorated in gold and silver, in green and in black, wich seems to be the theme of the entire slytherin territory. The silk curtains hanging above the translucent windows are blowing back and forth like hair on a windy day, and the sunlight streams in trough the open windows and you can feel the soft wind and the yellow sunlight lightly gazing the surface of your skin. You stand a second enjoying your senses, the touch of the wind, the smell of the fresh air, the sound of the howling trees and the sight of the sunshine yellowing everything within the spotting distance of the eye. ''Here I come Y/L/N'' He reached the top, and you can clearly hear him grasping for breath. You panic and switch on running to the left and right, and then in circles. Your heart does not know how to beat so you end up sounding like a walrus with asthma. You can hear him work his way trough the first doors, and you stand there, with a thousand thoughts flowing trough your mind.  You run your eyes as fast as you can over the room, searching for a good place to hide. Your eyes spark as the sound of the air tenderly howls trough the loose vent in the old white roof above you. It takes you exactly 2 seconds to realise that in about a minute or two he is going to come bursting in on you, and without consulting with your brain you reach out for your wand and point to a large black dresser by the window. ''Accio'' your mouth the words accio and with a soft push of breath, the words come out as a whisper. The dresser shoots towards you, and knocks you down, while your falling the world stands still, feeling your head bash against the wooden floor, but you have no time to feel the pain, you get up, place your hands firmly on the commode, which seems to have one leg longer then the other. You balance your weight on to your left hand while your right foot loses contact with the ground and you firmly place it on the even black surface. The commode shifts from back to forth as you wiggle your way up, and when you stand with both feet balanced, you loosen the poorly secured vent and lift your body up, using only muscles and pure will. You lie down, fly the dresser back and in the split second you lose focus your wand slips out of your fingers and creates a cause a hurricane of dust in the air, as it lands in a pile of clothes.

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