Chapter 12

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You whispered, while keeping a low profile. You sat down in the stairs, and looked between the bars, for any sign of movement, all you say was the empty hallways, the large stairs , and one of your red converse shoes on the ground, pointing to the dungeons.


You heard a voice call your name in the distance, and you reacted by looking at the woman in the painting for confirmation on wether it was him or not. She just widened her eyes, nodded her head, and whent back to her knitting.

"Son of a bitch" you thought, and looked in to the epty hallway with a disapointed look.

His voice bounced of the walls. You listened for footsteps, but you could not hear anything. You thought he was probably in the library area... ish. You wasted no time, you sprinted up the stairs. Cold air streamed towards you, and you sprinted with the hope that he would not see you.

-You ready to give up now? His voice echoed trough the whole castle.

-Fuck. You whispered in rage. You kept running up the stairs, with your head constantly turning, searching your surroundings.

Outside the light faded. The clouds rolled over the mountains, like black stencils, the dark green sky hovering above the dark contours. The trees were slowly turning in to a simple dark spot, the birds stopped chirping, and the land was a place for the night creatures.

-Y/N. He again yelled.

It caught you by a surprise and you accidentally tripped in a step, and the ground came closer and closer, them you smashed in to the cold stairs, face first.


You started, but bit your lip and covered your mouth to shut yourself up. You felt your forhead throbbing, and small drops of blood fell down on the side of your eye. You breather out to keep yourself from screaming in both anger and pain.

-Great. You whispered and rested your head on the ground.

You lied there for a second, feeling the world around you spinning. The stone floor was cold, and the paintings around you laughed and pointed at you. They whispered and their heads turned to the direction where draco most likely was.

-What the fuck are you looking at? You snapped out on them. Before you got up and dusted off your knees and face. You heard the wind howl when it snuck under the slightly open windows.

-Y/N! I know you can hear me. The vent? It was clever, but you need to remember that I am smarter you, you can never win this, so you migh as well just give up.
His voice bounced of the walls, his words were thrown back and forth between the stone walls, and the hollow air.

-Yeah? You whispered to your self and looked to the direction where his voice came from.

-We'll see about that.
You again dusted of your knees, then started to soundlessly run up the stairs. It was easy not making any sound, seing as you had throws your shoes a few minutes back. The wind whipped your hair in your face.

You ran up 4 set of stairs, alwayd looking behind you. You stood still for a moment and wondered where you should run. You should try to get a hold of a wand, but you were positive he had taken yours.

Suddenly a head filled with platina locks came in to sight.
Your heart stopped and your knees automatically gave in. You hit the ground soundlessly, and lay as still as you ever had before. His eyes landed upon your shoe, tied to the railing down to the dungeons. He figured out your game. After all he had been there when Lupin forced you against eachother.. the last one standing won chocolate, it was awesome.

His platina head was turned to your red converse tied to the railing, and the wind messed it up. There it was again, a moment where he didnt look like himself. He looked soft, and attractive. ''Lets hope he doesent have more of those moments'' You thought as you started scootching your body up the stairs. You crawled like a snake up the polished steps of stone, not making a single sound. It was so quiet in the castle that each breath sounded like a hurricane, and every heartbeat like war drums.

He was just standing there. His head turned to the dungeons. He didnt say anything. He didnt move a muscle. All that seperated him from a statue was his white silvet hair that the wind was playing with. The white locks that bended like grass in the cold winter air. Outside it had started snowing, and a close veil of cotton fell from the sky. The darkenss decened and the sky whent from yellow to blue, and then from blue to black.

Your knee had started bleeding, and your pants had been ripped open, you didnt realize, until a sticky substance started running down your left  leg. Your breath was hot, and reflected as your face was turned down to the surface of the stairs.

You kept crawling, always keeping him in the corner of your eye. "Why isnt he moving?" You though as you turned your head completely and looked at him trough the bars in the railing. It looked like his face had changed, yet he looked the same as he always had. The eyes as clear and cold as ice. His clean cut jaw, and his porcelain skin. There was something mesmerizing about him, some dark enchanted spell that lied around him like a dark fog.

Suddenly your shoe slipped of the step and your arms gave in, your chest met the floor, and your shoe scraped of. Suddenly the magic around him dissapeared, and you could see the darkeness return to his eyes, as his head jumped in your direction and as your eyes met his, a shiver whent down your spine. It was a huge distance between you, but you could almost hear the words he mouthed.
-Game over.

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