Chapter 14

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Draco had run straight past you, and were headed for the towers, you wondered how long it would take before he realized that you weren't there. You could still hear his big feet slam against the solid marble, not stopping.

The stone corridor was lit up merely by the weak outside light as the moon greeted the night. You moved quickly and soundlessly, like a fox. You had taken of your shoes by the library and hung them different places to confuse your hunter, but for no good, you also did it so you wouldn't have to worry about making sounds. Beams of moonlight streamed trough the loops in the walls where parts of the rocks were missing, and created a galaxy filled with a million stars in front of your feet. The whole hallway was decorated with small spatters of bright white light, like white paint spilled out. It never got really dark on this floor so the torches were never lit. Voices talked in the far distance, it was the house ghosts, you've recently gotten a new ghost to the castle, and nearly headless nick was in the middle of telling him the story about how he became nearly headless. He told it to everyone who would listen, he told it in the great hall every year as you got new students, it was the one thing that never changed, it was as certain as death, and every year everyone except the first years sat in their places sighing, half asleep, you all knew it by heart at this point.

The stone floor was cold beneath your white ankle socks, if we're being honest they weren't really white anymore, more like a weird shade trapped between light brown and grey. You walked further in and reached the room, it was used for storage these days, as it was just a large hole in the wall, students and teachers all denied trowing stuff there, but in some magical way the piles of unused stuff just kept growing. You liked going there on your free time because it actually had some pretty decent stuff, one man's trash is another man's treasure. You also liked it mainly because nobody ever came up there, and it had a lot of comfortable hiding places, you really liked being alone at the end of the day, after being in classrooms with 80 other students for hours, it was good to have some peace and quiet to think and just breathe in peace.

The whole hallway smelled of old furniture, but it was part of the charm. It was a part of what made it so cozy. It was autumn, and the nights came earlier and earlier for every day, the ocean waves ran towards the shore before they crashed in to the solid rock and were pulled back in to the never ending dark circle of slaving to the moon, bound to serve darkness forever. You heard the sound of the shores fighting the dark waves, fighting over dominance of the small exposed piece of earth.

You heard a loud frustrated growl from way above you. You snickered as Draco realized he had beed tricked once again, you laughed and heard him stomping harshly against the heavy stairs. "Sucker" you laughed and soundlessly opened the squeaky door in to what once was the room of requierment. The trick was to put pressure on the inner edge of the door while holding it back, and opening it slowly but steady. The room smelled like it always did, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You walked around a couch and a large stables of books and magazines. You had a regular hideout below a table covered with a blanket, you wouldnt see it if you didnt look for it. In there you had placed some pillows and your favorit books.
It was nice having a place in hogwarts where no one else knew about, where no one would come look for you, where you could be completely alone, although people occationally came up, to throw out stuff or to fool around, god knows you've been traumatized by that before.... multiple times. Some people just could contain themselves, you yourself had never felt the need to have someone right there and then. You've had boyfriends, but they had all been complete pussies or full on ass heads, fuckboys, you had sworn, made a vow to yourself that you would never ever sleep with a fuckboy, ever, their stupidity might be contagious, one can never be sure.

You rounded a trashy corner and stopped a second to listen, but you couldn't hear anything. You kept walking, as you reached a familiar corner, you started to firmly climb over a couch and a big dark oak closet with golden handles, which was actually really nice. You climbed over and jumped down on the other side where you had hidden your secret hideaway under a tall table, covered with a long purple cloth that covered all openings and piles of pillows and all sorts of other crap you had found useful. You got down on all four and carefully pushed the cloth aside and you crawled in. Inside was everything just as you left it. You had stacks of books, pillows and blankets to sit on, you had scribbled some quotes from good books you had read on the solid rock wall, and a bunch of half eaten bags of snacks, all you needed to survive. You also had a pair of earplugs and a light colored ipod.

Your hideaway was not big, not big at all, you sat in the very end of it by the walls, and on all the other sides you were just surrounded by purple curtains, but in there you had enough space for everything that mattered, and you were very rarely disturbed, and if you were they weren't doing it intentionally, nobody knew you were there.

You took a sudden left turn and sprinted past a pile of garbage, and climbed over some furniture's neatly put on top of each other. You then leaped over a big painting, and over the pile of trash, before jumping down on the other side, trusting your feet in the fall. Everything looked normal, it looked just as you had left it. The purple cloth covering the ''Entrance'' and all the crap on top hiding it.

A sudden sound got you collapsing by instinct. Your legs gave in and you slithered under the purple sheet, and in to your room of comfort. You smiled as you reunited with your bag of half eaten chips, this was pretty much the only place you allowed yourself to eat snacks. Something was different though.... You couldn't put your finger on it, but it was definitely something, it was a new kind of smell sprinkled all over your pillows, but you couldn't be reminded where you had felt it before. You didn't think much of it, you sat down and reached for your wand an cast a subtle light over the yellow pages as you opened your favorite book and were about to settle in, as you realized what was wrong. You took a dramatic moment and just looked at your wand.



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