Chapter 2

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Lupa POV
I burst through the trees to find my former pup take his own life, i gasp dashing to him in a hurry his last living breaths rasping through the air, his eyes widen to me as I scan over him worryingly, i grab the sword in my jaw heaving it out with his blood pouring from his chest, i lick it trying to sooth it only for the boy to cry out,
I glare into his eyes with sorrow noticing his pain wishing only to release him of the strain

"Sorry young hero." I mumble placing my teeth over his shoulder chomping down hard, he winces before blacking out from the pain,
I glance out to the rain whilst I sat beside him,
I sigh knowing what was to come.

~~~~~~~~~time skip!~~~~~~~~~~~
About half an hour later I notice the transformation beginning to take place, his bone crack and pop causing me to wince as they slot further into place, fur gently surfacing through his pale skin, he twitches slightly so I nuzzle him gently, soon enough he formed into an adult wolf

I was about to try waking him until he began to shift more, smaller and smaller until he was a younger black puppy, i gasp, how strong is this hero?
I shrug glancing to the rain once more
I didn't see the point of waking him so I just lay down behind him curling my body around him to keep the pup warm, my eyes slowly glide down, attempting to stay awake it only braught my eye lids deeper into a dream less sleep.

Back to Percy POV
Squinting awake I let out a tired yawn
I-im alive!?
I glance around myself confused about how big every thing had got, it was day now, funny I don't remember falling asleep, all I can remember is stabbing myself. However I felt the complete opposite, honestly i felt quite relaxed, warm and comfy, that...was until I saw a huge white wolf curled around me,
I screamed out for help only for a whimpering whine to escape my lips, the white wolf leapt up in shock glancing down at me, i stood my ground i moved my arms to grab my sword only to fall face first into the mud, i cry out just noticeing the large snout infront of me

'Calm down young hero.' Someone said inside my head whilst Im lifted up by the scruff of my neck,

"Wha! Lupa?! How!? How! When did you get so big!?" I exclaim coming out in innocent small yaps, i just noticed that my vioce had changed, it seemed squeackier and pitched, I heard her softly chuckle

"Its not me who has grown, young pup." She tells me as I glance down noticing two long fur legs and paws dangling, i turn my head as far as It would allow me to notice a wagging tail, i also find a small bite mark on my shoulder showing were the teeth had dug in, i shrug not know why it was there

Until it clicked

"You! You turned me into a wolf!?" I whine, she shakes me slights as her walk forms into a trot

'To be presice, you did, i know your mad but you braught this one yourself, idiot if you didn't stab yourself you wouldn't be like this!' She snaps her teeth digging into my fur, i didn't reply, she wasn't lying,

"But I wanted to die," i began until somthing roared inside my tiny brain
"HEY WHY AM I SO SMALL, IM A TEEN NOT A BABY." I growl squirming as she held me strongly, she slows down slightly

'It depends on how strong you are, the strongst of pups grow slowler than the weak, your so strong so I suppose your body lagged." She told me


"not exactly, you will grow slower than normal wolfs, much slower at that, but unlike werewolfs they transform to wolf at full moons, you in fact do the opposite, you transform humam then, however then you can shift willingly until that Sun rise." She explains as I frown hanging motionless,
Maybe this isn't so bad
This can be my new life

"So? What now? Are you gonna leave me here in the woods?" I ask as I felt her smile falter, before she could answer we arrive to a cave, the pit of darkness which held from within, i whimper slighlty my ears drifting down as Lupa chuckled

'Scared?' She asks amusement hidden beneath the cracks in her tone

"N-no! Im... im good." I tell her as we slowly step in, it wasn't as bad as I had thought, parts of the cave were completly black although there was a gap through the roof were the sunlight shun through, a small pond lay in the middle a small trickle of water letting water in and out, i was temporarily stunned by its beauty that I didn't notice Lupa carrying me to the light lying me down gently, i glance up at her tierdly

"Why am I so tierd?" I yawn as she sat beside me licking my fur clean

'Whats an affect, young one as a pup sleep comes naturally.' She sooths her vioce soft and smooth, i perk my head up trying to stay awake

"But I just slept." I mumble

'Yeah, after an agonising transformation your body needs a rest, sleep I'll stay guard." She informs laying behind me invading my body with unbelievable warmth urging myself to sleep

"What about camp? They'll be looking for me sooner or later," I manage until I began to cry, if that was even possible
"I-i don't want to go back, not again, i can't Lupa, i just can't."

'Don't worry younge pup, i won't let anyone hurt you again, ill always be here for you.' She coos huddling her head on me, i whimper into her fur snuggling deeper into her warmth

"...promise?" I ask

'I promise child, non shall hurt you again."she promises as I dive into a pit of sleep.

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now