Chapter 13

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Tyron POV
Soon after Annabeth said her goodbyes and I along with her heading back to the hunts cabin, i stretch slightly slouching down into my chair with my senses on high alert, it doesn't take to long for my eye lids to drift down and welcome sleep.

I jolt awake to a tap on my shoulder

"Aha? What?" I ask my head rocking up me just noticing my head had rolled back all night leaving a aching neck, i wince rubbing it trying to soothe it as i tilt my head to see who had awoken me,
Atlanta stood infront of me fully dressed without her bow
I bit my lip quite confused until reality hit me to find it was day

"What do you want?" I ask groggily rubbing my tired eyes, she bites her lip swaying onto her toes and back

"Um... I just want to say sorry for yesterday, i never meant to hurt you, i thought it was the right, well then, please forgive me." She mumbled as I glare at her astonish before smiling

"A magnificent Hunter apologising to a werewolf," i chuckle before standing up
"Never thought I'd see the day," i smile Patting her shoulder
"Its okey, i kinda do deserve it, not comeing to dinner." I chuckle as she giggled hitting my arm playfully

"Thanks Tyron, you might be not that bad afterall." She murmured as I shrug

"Theres a start for everything." I inform as she hugged my arm

"Thank you! Anyway gotta run, bye!" She beamed walking away as I smile, i peek into the cabin noticing it was completly empty only to find a tired looking Pheobe scrubbing the floor with het tooth brush, i frown knocking on the door with a finger, she looked up bags under her eyes, she scowled

"May I come in?" I ask as she nods returning her gaze to the floor
"...need any help?" I ask as she shakes her head, an odd silence sets upon us making me shuffle my feet slightly from the sound of the scrubbing straws on the brush, i glance down
"You should get some sleep, I'll finish this," I tell her but she shakes her head, i sigh bending down and scooping her up, she attempted to struggle but relaxed emediatlly to my warmth
"Wheres your bed?" I ask as she lazily pointed to a bed in the far right nice and neat
I carry her over throwing back the covers and laying her down, she smiled as I tucked her in taking the toothbrush from her hand
I back away to the ground bending down and snapping my fingers cleaning it instantly, i left a few small marks of paint to make it took like I didn't do it before walking out to the sun light, i search around for Artemid finding them heading for the dinner hall, i hurry after them walking beside Thalia

"Decided to join us?" Thalia muttered as I smile

"Yeah I figure I may as well," I reply with a sly grin, when I sat down they all stared at me with their plates empty, i sigh teleporting in a note pad
"Write down what you want." I tell them handing them the pad as It was passed around, i tilt my head to Artemis who was watching me

Are you okey M'Lady?

Yes I was just wondering if Atlanta had talked to your today

In fact she did, you won't believe it! She apologized!  To me!

Good to hear

I was passed the pad once again leaving to stare at the full page, i flicked through it

"Whats wrong?" Keny asked who sat beside me

"OH just wondering if any of you hid your order, im looking at you Ashby." I chuckle as the girl grinned, i place the note down rubbing my hands together before clapping them, theit foods arrived, i kept back a groan my head throbbing, it stopped after a moment and began to eat my breakfast which was toast, i felt like I was being watched, im not sure why but I tilt my head to find Annabeth staring at me
I pull my tongue out making her roll my eyes, i glance to Artemis

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