Chapter 30

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Sighing as i arrive to the old cabin, the features pipe out like stars in the new sky to me. Little things I'd missed. Unfortunately I saw no chair and grumply i head off collecting one from a nearby empty Cabin which had many chairs and some pilled up gathering dust.
I didn't see the problem in borrowing one.
If they needed it I'd gladly give it back.
I sat my aching body down rolling my head back as I rock on the chair admiring the soft elegant sways it gave me, it definitely helped and I found it incredibly peacefull to finally be alone.
My stomach rumbled with life causing my vision to blur, i rub my eyes trying to clean them until my muscles went limp and my eye lids slide close beyond my command.







"Wakey wakey,"
The Voice echoed through my brain, the gruff voice meant nothing but fear to me and my heart rate began to thump heavily against my ribcage as I force my eyes open to his vile vivid face, i yell finding myself staring into his very own eyes.
I scream jumping back only to notice i was chained down by solid bricks with silver chains, i tug at them ignoring how badly they stung my almost healed wounds.
Lycoan shoke his head slowly stepping forward

"I'll be Carefull if I were you, i hate silver, dont you?" He teased sliping out a silver knife throwing it at me, it pierce my chest just dodging my heart, I let out a shriek of pain pushing my body away from him

"Aregggghhhh stop!" I plea to him. However he just leant in pulling the knife out with a harsh tug playing with it between his chunky fingers

"I'll watch you rot! In Tatarus." He smirks with his jagged teeth poking out as his rotting sylivia dropped from them to the floor.
I gulp shaking my head

"Your not real..." I murmur refusing to believe this trickery
Tartarus let me go
Let me free
Lycoan grinned stepping forward
"Your not real!" I snap standing strong

"Oh Im very real boy, and im not finished with you, slimy traitor! You don't deserve this life!" He screeches slapping me across the face, i growl my arms launching for him but held back by my restrains

He hopped away as I glare at him,
"Yeah don't you feel that deep hatred yet?" He laughed
"Don't you wanna rip my throat out?" He howled as I growl my finger twitching, i scowl as he opened his arms the chains peeled from my skin and released me
"Cause im open." He smiled, i scowl lunging at him with pure anger, shifting to wolf mid jump tearing at his cloths and pinning him down to the voids ground.
He didn't scream or shout.
Just laughted
Laughter polled my ears urging me onward to end this life,

But something stopped me

Something said this wasn't right
That this was wrong, i stop staring at Lycoan smirk hazing into a scared ajar mouth and slim lips,

And his eyes
Yellow to grey switching non stop with fear until his features zapped to a more fenemine look, and i found myself gazing into the slashing silver eyes I new and loved, short blonde hair and a small face.


I whimper backing up from her, she shuffled away and i look around noticing I was in the cabin Annie and Keny huddled in the corner of the room shivering, i tilt my head behind me notice Jorden with a hammer rose high as though about to hit me.
Pheobe stood at the door dumbfound and my ears lower whilst I shift to human looking at them awkwardly as did they

"I... uhh."

"What was that about." Pheobe snaps stepping infront of me and Cathy who lay shivering on the floor

"im sorry, i didn't know-" i began until she interrupted

"You-You attacked her, you could have killed her!!!!"

"I said im sorry okey!" I growl before lowering my head and tone
"I didn't know." I murmur as she stares

"Well what did you know eh?" She orders folding her arms as I frown

"Lycoan," I mumble as she froze "I mean I saw him."
She grabbed my hair pulling me to Cathy

"Does that look like Lycoan!" She growled as I shake my head
"You idiot, your just like all boys! Finding a reason to hurt us." She snarled hurting my soul, i glare at her

"I would never hurt any off you." I snap back

"Well you just did!" She exclaimed

"Well maybe I should just go! If in a so called idiot!" I retaliate as she pulls out her silver knife

"Oh no, I'll skin you alive before you ever get to hurt another girl again!!." She snarled
I gulp imaging me on a wall or floor being walked on without a second thought
I frown before she leapt at me screaming at me with rage, i yelp and shifted to wolf and rushing under a bed, i whine as she rearched through trying to grab my paws but I ran out he other side landing onto another bed locking eyes with her.
I whimper but she threw the knife at me, i cry out as it hit me right in the head forcing me to fall back with a pain full yelp as my spine cracked slightly under the sudden impact. Pheobe climbed over the bed grabbing me by the scruff of my neck dragging me across the floor.

Cathy rushed over finally out of her daze

"No don't," She demanded Pheobe stopping and turning
"I woke him, he was having a nightmare, he just sprung up asleep." She explained looking at her then at me rubbing my head trying to get the knife out burning my skin.
Pheobe pulled it out harshly staring at Cathy

"Hes not tricked you into saying that has he."She snaps tightening her grip on my neck making me wheeze

Cathy shoke her head looking at me

"He didn't seem so well so we went to check on him." She explains as Pheobe let me go, i went limp on the ground my wound open and bleeding, i shift to human causing the cut to smallen Pheobe looked away from me probably disappointed.
Annie rushed over healing the cut making me smile thanking them and apologizing to Cathy constantly before leaving the cabin to venture my thoughts.

Thoughts I'd never wished of having

Thoughts I never wants to visit again.


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