Chapter 4

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One year later
"hey! Hey wake up! Wake up!" I yell leaping from my sleep, Lupa Groaned turning away

'go back to sleep pup, we've got a few more hours until noon.' She growls as i sigh, i ponder to her head pulling at her ear childishly

"Move!!" I growl while she smirks at my weak attempt to intimidate her

'Your still a pup and you think you can make orders? Lie down." She demanded lifting her paw pulling me into her stomach, i groan with defeat as she curled around me whilst i try to get up

"Pplleeasssee, dont make me beg." I plea as she shakes her head her light breathing coming to sound, she fell asleep once more whilst i rock my head out of the side of her legs,
Sometimes i hate being small
Tell a lie
all the time!
But mother says ill grow in time
However in the meen time
I refuse to be treated this way as its been a year and i still look round the same high and body as before!

i let out a failed howl but it was loud and squeackish, like a half dead squirrel crying for another chance at life before being run over by some car or eaten by some predator or like me now to simply howl, i yap at her wildly to get up pushing my paws on her face, she groan placing a paw onto my snout trying to shut me up, i force my nose out wailing at her to help,
'Behave or you'll sleep outside' she warned annoyance hidden beneath her tone

"You and I both know you wouldn't." I tease as she lifts her head to me

'Try me.' She smirks as I grin, i pull at her ear once more before she stood up, i thought id won until she picks me up and began walking to the door

"Wait your serious?"

'You bet, you haven't been outside all year, now's your chance.' She smirks as we emerge from the cave, i squirm slightly as the cold air plays between my fur sending shivers down my spine

"So-so co-old." I stutter as she drops me onto the stone below

'Should have thought about that before you woke me up, now behave and I'll be out to check on you in an hour.' She replied pacing back in as I grumble to myself gazing up to the rising Sun, yesterday was a full moon, and I was able to see myself in human form, my hair was unsurprisingly scruffy and now I have side burns and a few more muscles.
Artemis's camp settled bellow, i hated being so close to them,
Yeah Lupa changed my scent but I still felt uncomfortable being so close to them, they could come up at any given time and I'd be a bag of nerves about it.
Especially Pheobe
She looked as though ready to chop my head off!
A few hunters notice me sitting alone but think nothing of it seeing me as im a wolf,
I just stare over the cliff watching them with amusment as the breeze served up every leaf in its path, a clear sign it was Autumn, last winter I and Lupa had collected enough food for both of us through the season while she stayed in the cave to play with me, Glancing down girls came in and out of their tents some dressed, others still in their pyjamas and night gowns, after a few minutes I grew bored and trotted back in the cave

Lupa was asleep, or at least I think she is, i crept to her my body low and mostly hidden, i sink into my spot inside Lupas legs cuddling up to her fur as It attempted to suffocate me whilst I'm dragged into a dream less slumber.

'~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~'
"Can we go hunting Now please!" I beam as she frowns

'I dunno, your body still isn't old enough to hunt my prey, but maybe a few small creatures," She informs as I leap up eager to go
"Ah and talk through to my mind not voice, you'll scare the animals," She warned as I nod following hot on her tail outside, me perched in her mouth in we hop down the rocks leading to home to the grassy bottom, she seemed anxious of letting me down but did as I began to walk beside her as she constantly checked around us,
'Stay close Percy-Tyron, go infront of me so i can see you." She orders as I waddle ahead but close to her left paw, i felt her warm smile faze upon me as smells entered my nose, this felt all still strange, being so small and helpless, it didn't feel right, i sniff the air experimentally as we came to a clearing, Lupa stops sniffing the air to

'You smell that?" She asks as i tilt my head in confusion

'Uhhh what am I supposed to be smelling?' I reply sniffing the air once again only to receive the same wet grads and Autumn breeze, i wasn't surprised by the clouds cluttering above, winter was growing near

'Focus son, don't force it, allow your senses to take hold.'

I do as she asks relaxing my muscles slightly, i bit my lip wondering how in zeus's Name could I focus, i close my eyes to block out the world sniffing the breeze


'RABBIT RABBITS!" I yelp with excitement taking over as I bounce ahead
'Come on mum I want to hunt!' I tell her as she cautiously walks over easily following me through the tall grass her big body parting the grass, i barley notice the glimpse of metal before it was to late,


A loud yelp erupted through the air probably catching everything and everyone's attention as it echoed through the forest, my eyes clasped shut as something grabs me by the neck, im shivering in fright as I glance up to find mum carrying me, i glance around to find a few campers with nets and guns emerging from the trees, Lupa let out a large howl through my fur as the sound damaged my ears before we went dashing off through the woods branches and twigs whacking my face and nose, i stay silent not wanting to desturb my mother as she leapt through the bushes and leaves the smell of blood and gun powder stuffing my nose, we finally make it to the cave after leaping up the rocks her feet struggling to ride with every jump, in a hurry my mother limps inside, holding tight to me, i can no longer hear them as my mother drops me to the floor were the the Sun beams in, she lies down with a large thud onto her side panting heavily, i scan her body shocked to not have noticed the bullet wounds in her stomach earlier, i began to tear up, i nuzzle my mother's cheeck, i whimper childishly

"Mum don't go please be alright." I cry as Lupa lifts her head

'Shh Shhh Percy, don't say that, im alright," She soothed licking my face, i knew she was lying, she was just saying it to comfort me, i cry out for help emerging into the air as cool blocked yelps, i snuggle into my mother's chest eager for her warmth and love, my ears are flat against my head my tail between my legs whilst I lick her cheek, sobbing into her she lifts her paw placing it onto my back
'Look at me Percy, you must promise me something." She pleas her voice straining to keep hold

"Anything, don't go mum, i need you!" I wail glaring into her through my watery eyes

'You must promise me, never forget who you are, you are Persues Jackson, Son of Sally Jackson and loved son of Poseidon, I love you very much," she tells me her voice raspy and painful, however slightly calm through the situation
'I-I will always be with you, whenever your alone, speak to the star's like with Zoes, I'm always here for you, in here." She manage pointing a claw to my heart,
I rise slowly licking her muzzle

"Please... please mama don't go, stay, stay with me, your immortal," i cry rushing to her head
"You can't go."
Lupa gazes up at me with teary eyes

"I always loved you, but I'm a-afraid the bullleettss have h-hit ARGH! My vitals." She murmured coughing up a goldish blood like sample until her head rolled back, i rush into a panic, a lump forms at my throat making it hard to breath, i rush to her side pulling at her ear and pushing at her head with mine trying to wake her

"Mum, please, wake up!" I cry letting her go beging to push her head harsher, my lips tremble as I curl up into her chest wanting her warmth and love once again, a tear trickles from my eye as began to whine her name, pleading for all this to be some sick joke and her to jump up and say she's fine, were fine and everything okey.

But. Nothing. came.

Dude even I felt bad doing this chapter,
*deep breath*
You have no idea how I dreaded this, but it has to be done

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now