Chapter 24

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Thank you guys!
😂 Yeeesssssssssss

Also graphic scenes ahead! So if you don't like it skip through

Tyron POV
"Get off me!" I scream kicking my feet as Im dragged down the hall, i shake my head around noticing the name of the hall was


Heh how convenient
I thrash and yelp at the guards gripping tightly onto me

"Oh shut it will you." One grumbled shoving me into a cell, they lock the door following in before throwing me to the floor, i attempt to hit them rising up but they immediatly stop me almost cracking my knuckles my legs falling, they attached something around my neck and on my arms silver chains burning into my skin, i scream feeling them tighten and hug my wrists as though they were snakes.
They smirk locking the chains to the wall before walking out locking the door behind them, I stay silent a moment attempting to make myself comfortable my legs aching from being bent
I rest with them in a sitting position,
So this is how tartarus is like?
I glance around the plain concrete room noting the stone and chains in sight, i gulp remembering Lycoan words

'I watch you rot in tartarus'
I shiver realisation hitting me to the unusualy cold temperature, i tug at my restrains as though expecting something to happen, but nothing, i stay like this for an hour or so until my doors opened, i glance up concerned until sudden dread fills me.
He himself stood full formed and an angry expression on his face infront of me, i gulp as he closes the door with a slight touch, he had a bat in his hand nails poking out the sides and tip.
He hit them against his hand as though they were nothing

He smirked

"So your the little trouble maker? Hah I expected more." He laughed as I growl

"I could say the same for you." I mumble quietly, he was at my throat in seconds the tip piercing my neck slightly, he hit a fist against the wall cracking it

"What was that boy?!" He screamed making me wince

"I said old man! I could say the same for you!" I yell determination flickering in my bones
This jerk isn't he boss of me

He scowled but held a smile

"it's okey," he reassured straightening up hitting his hand with the bat
"I'll beat the respect out of you." He grinned hurling the nailed bat into my cheek blood sprawling out, i cry out my legs trying to stand only to be hit again

"Now what did you say?" He asks teasingly

I cough up blood almost vomiting as he hit the bat sideways into my stomach
"Wrong answer."

I yelp my feet buckling below me and my knees hitting the floor, i growl as my hands shake violently to the chains rattling which held me back

"You! Jerk!" I dare screech making him snarl in reply, he tore out a nail from he bat forcing my face still, he dragged the nail down, my eyes widen shaking my head trying to get him off. However, he lifted my head making it scrape against my sore flesh harder, i could feel the skin cutting and I couldn't help but cry willing the tears to stream down my cheeks as Kronos shakes my head, i cough choking on my own breath as he let go of my head, he watches in pure amusment as I lean my head forward bucking my forehead forward trying fight back, finally as my breaths hollowed he paced forward grabbing my cheek, blood poured from my wound to his hand easily and soon later he cleaned his arm from my red liquid.
I pant my neck aching and stinging for mercy.

"Now let's try this again shall we?" He asks waving the nail before grabbing my chin
"What did you say?" He snarled as I sniffle my eyes squinting through the pain, i swallow hard causing my throat to sizzle, i concept a growl earning a slap on the face immediately.
"Don't growl at me boy!" He yelled as I bite my lip

"N-never." I snap standing and kicking my feet into his stomach, he doubled back and stared at me as though i was Zeus himself, pure hatred.
He came at me with the bat swinging it at my head, i yelp aloud as I was hammered in the head, sickening crunch of my skull invaded the cell. After that he let go and dropped it onto my exposed foot, i wail hitting the floor with a thud, my aching skull throbbing wildly against my brain.
I felt terrible.
Kronos dropped the bat onto the floor making me jump back in fright, he glared at me with gloomy eyes before snapping his fingers and a metal pole appears at hand a markings sign at the end

"Well little wolf, if you wish to help the greek, you shall be marked for the greek!" He roared the marking on the end of the pole turning bright red and prosumably hot, he hit it into my right hand above the knuckles and above my wrist, i yelp my legs thrashing around, but the pain ended as soon as it began and I glance down to the mark


Kronos smile walking out and leaving me to the dark

Sorry this one was short but I have a great future planned up for this book

And I have a feeling you'll like it

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