Chapter 22

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Later that afternoon Harris was amazed and utterly confused to find my paw had fully healed, Zane hadn't said a word since our little chat but I knew he'd spill it sooner or later, he's not one to keep secrets for long, i don't know why I snap at him, i-i couldn't wrap my head around it, why did I snap at that?!
If anything I thought it would be when we met again but I feel like iv made a great mistake, he's not a bad lad once you get to know him through the sassy sways.
Now we were now traveling line through the forest up north, with a sled,

and guess who was pulling it?

HAH kidding

But yeah its me, i tug and sniff at the snow searching for Nico, we'd been at this for hours stopping time to time for a drink but finally just as im about to lose hope I caught onto something and I began to follow it, it smelt dull and unsure but unnaturally cold, i slow my pace the scent shifting whilst I growl and stop in my tracks, the night was growing close and i didn't want to go on.
Especially if I wasn't at full strength.
Besides the scent was miles away and I was tired plus needing to talk with Zane about our argument, i flop to the ground panting, Pheobe got off and tried to shake me up but I growled making her back off
I sit up my paws shakey and bandage torn,

"Well set up camp here, there's no use continuing through the night." Pheobe announce unfassening my harness, i must have jumped up fast  since I almost hit Pheobe whilst hopping out, those straps killed.
I shift mid jump rubbing my sore skin wincing

"Ugh next time you pull." I joke Pheobe smiling probably glad for someone to talk to

"Sure." She mused, i make the tents come along with Zane's and the girls head off again eager to hunt leaving me and Zane alone, i could tell he was anxious the way he swiped the rocks together making a spark to the fire, how his fingers threatened to drop them, i sit beside him on a log I'd dragged again, after a minute of silence i take the rocks from his hands placing them down, i glance at him concerned

"Look man, im- im sorry I freaked out at you, i don't know what came over me." I mumble as he sat silent just staring into the small flames.
I was about to continue until his eyes close and a tear falls

"Your right," Was all he said
"It is my fault." He wheezed through tears, i pat his back trying to sooth his jerky body, until I grab his face to stare at mine

"It isn't you fault, he-...he chose to leave, he left because he wanted to, he could have stayed and sorted whichever problem he had, but he chose a cowards root, to run, you stayed, your strong, that's better than any Gods spawn iv seen." I mutter  sad to find myself insulting my own actions to help this kid

Zane smiled slightly

"You-you meen that?" He sniffled as I smile standing up and bouncing around the fire

"Of course! Your better than anyone, Percy even!" I exclaim waving my hands about before I point at him
"You knew when Medusa came that it was her, even without seeing her, if you didn't you'd be stone as we speak, you knew and provented it, and provented our deaths alongside it. You saved us, you even found the cafe! im an idiot to have hurt your feeling." I explain making him beam, tears rolling down his huge smile
When I sit down Zane immediatly hugs me almost making Tyson jealous

"And your the best monster iv ever met." He chuckled, i laugh my teeth showing

"Look bud im the best your gonna get!" I growl trying to be mad but couldn't through the joy in my voice
So this is how happiness feels like
I sniff the air feeling a sudden pressence

Aww this is soo cute


Oh shoot!

I glance around to find an iris message with the gods, i groan stareing at them

"What do you want?" I snap making Zane glance in confused then shock falling of his seat, Zeus smirked

"We just wanted to check up on you, plus Aphrodite was getting anxious." He explained as I notice Aprodite herself sat in her throne biting her nails furiously to the point they were as jagged as mine, i tilt my head
I wonder why

"Oh?" I murmurs only for Pheobe and Annabeth to return, they seemed deep in conversation until they saw the Gods and immediatly bow
Zane did to but I refuse to bow just staring away from them

"Oh hello Lord Zeus what's the problem?" Pheobe asks glaring at us, i stare back as though expecting her to blame me, but she stayed silent
Zeus repeated what he had told us not surprising any
I saw Demeter in the background glanced over Dionysus shoulder looking at his magazine's
Pheobe frowned when they braught up the quest

"No hope yet, we followed the Phrophesy up to snow and cover which led us to a sledge seller, we've met Medusa
To the wolf's den far away
We've met Lycon

For the haters hearts can be put to test
Zane saved us from medusa

Make it to snow and corner, to find answers but at cost
The Sledges store when Tyron broke his leg
It doesn't make sense!" Pheobe excplained as I nod,

"Yeah we don't even know if we're looking for Percy or Nico." Annabeth grumbled sitting down with a THUD, i look up glad for another full moon pulling the collar of with a click and kneeling back, i glance to the iris message

"Hows Artemis?" I ask as they stare

"Shes fine." Zeus snapped but I egnore the violence hidden in his tone
I roll my eyes looking away, i snatch up the food the girls had braught back and put them above the fire to cook on a stick, fish?
Fish was all they could find through the icey lake with was a few miles off from here,

"Anyway we have news from Apollo that the quest is doomed to end soon, he wouldn't tell us what would happen even under a truth spell." Posiden spoke up as I fell my muscles tighten
Well that's great
Great to know I die soon!
I glare at my hands noticing the odd twitches, just for safety I clip the collar on
If im dieing, im not gonna die knowing I hurt somone to the point of death, i lock it stuffing the key in my pocket, they continued to talk and I must have spaced out for I found my eyes drifting down to sleep.

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now