Chapter 35

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Waking up was a drag.
My heavy eyes reluctant to the bright light causing me to tilt my head around noticing Pheobe sat down.
She sat motionless in my chair, her fresh scent cluttering up my sensitive nose.
Glancing around myself I let out a yawn but stop, before i could state the fact i hadn't gone crazy and had a nightmare less night i notice a bright white dot on Pheobe arm, i cock my head growling quietly snapping my teeth at it.

I didn't know why.

I just felt the need to, the urge to capture it just like the cricket back home.

It twitched although having no legs or facial feature it rushed down Pheobe's arm in fright and onto the ground.
I leapt up in a hurry pouncing at it with record speed under my paw, although it disappeared it wasn't beneath my paw but a few cms away from my snout

Confused, curious I stalk closer the chains rattling causing Pheobe to stir
I ignore sniffing it before clawing at it with a paw attempting to poke it, it crawled away up the door frame and i bark loudly jumping up at it making Pheobe almost jolt out of her socks by the tug of the chain,

"Awha?!" She asks as the dot perched onto her nose, she went cross eyed looking at it then me, then the dot again
"No, no no no Tyron DONT-"

To late.

Jumping at her the dot rushed off and over the fence along the grass me not far behind, Pheobe tried to stay still but flipped over the fence and was dragged along face first through the dirt, i snap and leapt pushing past two campers to get it, I even ran into Zane and Thaila, Thaila who grabbed my fur heaving me to a halt but Zane only hopped away behind her, i bark angrily at the dot stopping a few metres away, Thaila pulled me back pulling my ear

"Calm down Tyron," She soothes as i pull barking rappidly now notifying this dot as danger



"ZEUS! STOP THAT!" Thaila yelled over at someone, i look over noticing a few campers and Zeus pointing a finger at the ground where he dot was making growl at the lazer and stop pulling glancing to Pheobe.
Whimpering i trot over hearing the laughs of the campers and Zeus' bellowing chuckle, istop at Pheobe's head licking her cheek, she was stiff her feet nailed into the ground

"You alright Pheobe?" Zane asks nudging her
She replied with a muffled tone and Zane bend down further unable to making out what she said

Her hair a mess and her face stained with grass and mud she flung her head up wrapping her hands around my neck

"I'll kill you!" She shouted my ears lowering to the sides of my head, i didn't back up or cry.
I licked her nose making her flush with heat but wack my nose

I whine lowering my head and creeping forward

"Why are you guys chained up?" Zane asks as me and Pheobe looked over.
Pheobe cleaned her face the best she could with her sleeve

"Lady Artemis thinks we don't get along."

"You do?" He asks as she stares

"She won't unchain us until we do, so to answer your question, no, we don't get along." She snaps me frowning,
I glance to Zeus who was grinning with the kiddies which surrounded him, he smelt much like fire, not that I hadn't noticed this smell around Leo but Zeus flanked with it unsettled me
Fire I hated
My wolf side despised it much like any human would.
I shift to human standing onto my own two feet.

"Sorry Pheobe," I apologised over to help her up but she swatted my hand away as she manage to stand herself up wipping her trousers.
I glance to Thaila.
"What was that?" I ask as she gaped at me.

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