Chapter 48

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Must read!
This is the end of the book, the last chapter!
Don't worry im planning on a Book 2 which you will find soon on my profile page!
Glad all you marvellous people read this book I deeply appreciate it
Have a nice day/night



Perfect words to describe my situation
A strong hideous yelp escaped my lips as the bullet penetrated my ribcage causing me to whimper and rock my head onto my chest hanging over the chain, although I wasn't dead, oh no, i couldn't just drop off even with my strong  bones protecting me
Brittany was reloading as i began to feel my eyes twitch and fingers move, letting out a monstrous growl I kick my feet snarling at her uncontrollably, Quana was now hugging my body sinking deeper and deeper into my brain, my thoughts, my wishes



"Get away!" Quana hissed through my lips my eyes focusing and defocusing to her needs

"Oh hello wolf, chose your time to make an entry." Brittany smirked as i wince in pain feeling my muscles grow weaker by the second

"You dare attack one whos chained and not fist to fist! Coward!" She yelled as i cough trying to shut her up

"J-just shoot me already!" I yell as Brittany snapped from her argument and fired another bullet hitting my skull and knocking back with a choked whine before slumping forward lifeless.


A new me

My neck aching I felt the rattleing of chains and the soft fuzzy faberic below my jaw line, my eyes flutter open but clutch them shut by a bright light, i squint awake my eyes sore as i glance around myself, i was knealing on someone,
chin on their shoulder, however no matter how much I tried I couldn't turn my head and look, all I did was wait,
Am i dead?
Is this death?
Some blanck white abyss?
Finally my head moved and my eyes widen,
He grinned looking away as i shiver, Quana appeared beside me

Need any help?

I couldn't move, i can't move, my body was frozen and then I saw his hand, a silver knife, although his eyes werent fixed on me I was scared, this mad man had a knife pointed at me, paralyzed by an unknown source only to blame as death,
I was defenceless
I need her
Glancing to Quana despiratly she nodded her head jumping into my face Making me choke,

Suddenly my vision changed and this time It wasn't Lycon i was staring at but someone much



I wanted to warn her, even if she had been a jerk to me, i can't be one back, she was unchaining my body humming away as though nothing had happened until a monstrous growl came to my ears,
For a moment I was confused, who did that?
Until I found out it was me, i felt an uncontrollable rage against her and wanted her dead

Come on Tyron! Let's end her together! Like we should have done long ago


She ruined our lives! Once she came she's caused nothing but trouble and pain for you! And that my friend I hate to watch!

Yeah but its her job-

Her job to hurt our feelings although we did nothing wrong! Like you said she shot O'Leary
And now you get the punishment, she's the monster

She's the freak!

For a sickening moment I believe her words
She had caused this fate
This pain I can't erase
This Monster ruined my life a second time!

Brittany looked over confused before screaming trying to hop away but I'd got her

I'd already took her life in one simple snap
That line between life and death shattered!
She went limp falling to the floor and I snapped the chains after moments of struggling, her- her body dead! Dead because of me! although my figure glitched to Percy, i didn't care! This is me in whichever form and however I please, i needed to kill
It was my instincts
And instincts are ones to play with.
Im doing the right thing
And that us to be free

Artemis POV
A loud sickening scream echoed throughout the camp, and for a moment I thought it was Percy, his last living breaths snatched away, but however looking to Hades he nodded for a death but we ran to the vioce lead to the infirmary,
Nico was awake and crazy, he was rambling on in Greek ergently the Apollo kids attempting to ease him, then Apollo himself came over setting the poor boy at a calm spell sitting by his side beging to heal him, we rush over peecking at him

"Wolf! Where wolf!" He stuttered panting heavily as Appolo shushed him

"Shh don't speek, you need rest." He earged placing his hands into the boys chest, Nico protested as Annabeth came running flinging her arms around him

"Nico! Your alive!" She exclaimed almost choking him

"Percy." Nico murmured as she pulled away lefting him sit up


"I-i-i saw him," He stutted glaring up at me with confusion yet anger flaring between each flick of his tongue
"He was with you."

I gulp as all the people in the room glare at me
And Zeus popped up tapping his foot on the wooden ground

"You've got alot of explaining to do young lady."

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now