Chapter 16

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Me and Pheobe March up the hill, myself in my loving tall human form and cloak, Pheobe was ahead of me as we meet Annabeth and a tired looking Zane waiting

"Uggh your right i am gonna hate this." She moaned as i nod, i was clearly the tallest out of the group, then Annabeth whilst Zane and Pheobe were around the same height, to them i looked like a normal 16 year old all of them 14
The Sun above us had already rosen to the air probably Apollo was asleep?

"Hey don't complain, you dont always get something this beautiful on a quest." Zane snapped pulling out a mirror

"Heh you could make Medusa jealous." I mumble as Annabeth rolls her eyes amused

"Okay so where are we heading?" Pheobe murmurs as I shrug

"I dunno, let just get this over with," I manage pulling out the handle and examining it, a sharp pain shot at my chest reminding me when I had impaled myself with this very handle
"Anyway what was the first line?" I ask as Annabeth pulled out a piece or ruffled up paper

The small wagged one shall lead the way?" She murmured as I groan

"We need a location." I growl rubbing my temples
Im working with a love yourself and a dweeb
A what next!?

"Umm uh Ahha To the wolf's den far away." She statef to me, i bite my lip tapping my foot

"There two places I can think of, its either The wolf house, or- Lycoan." I reply shivering at his name

"Hmm we need to think." Annabeth murmured

"Well did this Nico guy run?" Pheobe ask as Annabeth and Zane nod

"They both did, well Percy ran first then Nico went looking for him, and he headed that way because I wished him luck." Annabeth explained pointing to the forest, i groan that was where I went, and that's opposite of the damn Wolf house!

Pheobe smirked noticing my expression

"Well then get sniffing." She orders as I growl shifting to wolf before sniffing at the ground, i found no trace of him but continue inward to the trees, i sniffed the root of a tree only finding an old scent of an old squirrel

Oh how good a squirrel sounds about now

I lick my lips but turn away, about half an hour passed and i glance to Pheobe shaking my head, she waved her hand for me to continue, i sigh sniffing a few more trees and bushes as visions of the night of rain and sorrow where I planned to take my own life, i arrive at the tree I was at suddenly lurking my ears up to my own old smell, i smelt weird, not animal or human, it reacked I sneeze but sniff again,
Nico was here?
I bark loudly catching their attention

"Got something?" Pheobe asked as I nod looking to Zane who eyes lit up

"This is were I found that old rusty handle." He said as Annabeth turned to me

"Who? Nico? Or Percy?" She asks a bright hopefully smile on her face, i frown

Umm do I lie
Can you lie out of a prophesy?!

Non the less I bark to the first one her smile fading

"Nico... can you follow it?" She asked as I nod and trot away, honestly I find him to, i sniff the air turning right it was like following an line, it was quit cool actually, i sniff the ground walking rappidly through the trees and and bushes discovering I was closing in onto my old den, i hurry up almost running as I follow it, i bounced up the rocks to the cave with record speed leaving the three in the dust, i enter the cold harsh cave unwanted memories flashing through my brain, i pace in still onto Nicos trail, when I come in I find it completly empty, i bite my lip sniffing the air and floor walls and the water but nothing came except an unusual wolf scent, maybe a pack?anyway he couldn't just disappear

The trail ended to a shadowy corner
No way!
He can shadow travel
How stupid!
I began to shift to human whilst the group walk in

"Debtdvhe must have shadow travelled, it ends here." I murmur collecting my speck as fast as I could,  they groaned,

"Why did he come here! This was yours and Lupas Cave." Pheobe murmured as Annabeth and Zane looked confused

"You lived with Lupa?" Annabeth asked as I nod remembering her face and warmth

"Uh yeah well she did die here so maybe Nico took her to peace?" I suggest awkwardly as I stare at Zane who avoided my glare
"Anyway that's over with maybe we should try the wolf house?" I manage hoping to get away from her or Lycon as fast as I can

"No what else can you smell here?" Pheobe snaps as I sigh

"I smelt him and wolf, that's it." I growl as a sudden smell was braught to my nose invading the cave, i gulp my fist automatically clenching, my muscles stiffening i don't know why, my eyes narrow, i glance around

"Don't you growl at me mister, im in charge here!" Pheobe snaps as I ignore her,
"Are you listening!?"

I shush her quickly making her face go red and eyes flare
She began to speack before a piercing large howl interrupted her

"Now you've done it." I mumble as she spun around becoming eye to eye with a pack of wolves, we back up into a corner Zane behind everyone pressed against the cold wall

"Cant-can't you talk to them!? Tell am to stop!" He squiled as I snap a look at him

"Im a werewolf not a bloody dog whisperer, plus they have a pack leader, they follow his or hers orders." I scowl my voice slightly cracking, i saw Phoebe look nervous as a shadow emerged from the with an evil laugh

"Ahh demigods? My favourite  meal." He snarled his fangs flashing to us
His plain fur coat, disformed faces box creatures from mice to wolves, even foxes!
Lycoan himself
We lock eyes his cold sharp one to my shocked yet determined ones, he grinned his fangs clearly showing off,

"Oh how pathetic!" He sneered sending a wolf to us, i immediatly growl at the wolf, she was female and backed away cautiously, looking to her master for reassurance, Lyacon smirked

"Ah a determined little fella aren't ya? I could use one of you in my pack, it is in fact a rare find." He suggests as Pheobe stood next to me
I glance to her then me,
This is perfect!

"You know what, i think I will." I murmur.

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now