Chapter 46

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I woke with a jolt and my eyes shot open to see Cathy's eyes blazing into mine, i glance around myself noticing i was still in the cabin

And best off all


Funny I don't remember falling asleep

"Cathy? What is it?" I ask rubbing my aching eyes figuring it was now day seeing as the sun shined through the curtains attempting to penitrate the material

"Nothing, just wanted to wake you." She answered and then I knew something was up
Something was odd
Something was wrong

"What'd you do?" I ask raising an eyebrow sitting up to see Jorden, Annie and Keny all dressed in their silver Hunter outfits
Cathy waved her hands defensively

"Nothing, nothing at all." She mumbled as i shake my head

"Your a bad lier," i chuckle as she smiled
"No matter, can't be that bad right?" I ask as she nods

"All A okay here." Annie perched saluting as though a soldier as i glance around finding my cloak beside my pillow, i go to grab it but Jordan shoved a box in my face wrapped in coloured paper striped and spotted with rainbows and a red bow strapped onto the top

"What's that?" I ask

"A little thing we cooped up on such short notice, here for you." Annie beamed as i carefully take it scared to damage whatever was inside, for a moment I just stare unsure what to think, lightly i shoke it slightly not hearing a smash or bump, it was light
Pealing off the bow I rip through the paper finding a normally cardboard box saying
'make up supplies'
on the side, i giggle figuring this was either make up or the girls were so determined to get a fit enough box to ask the Aphrodite cabin for one, i reach a hand into the box my fingertips meeting a soft surface, i grab it heaving it out finding out it was a jumper, a red wolly one with the words

Party Animal

Printed on both sides in blue and green,

"Aww guys you didn't need to." I smile unable to hold back my happiness
This is the best day ever since I arrived to the hunt, except for a few ocations but still they care, care enough to put a bow on a box and a jumper over head

"Arr its nothing, plus we thought it suited you." Jorden blushed hands behind her back As I lifted it up and pulled it over my shoulders, it was a bit baggy around the arm length but other than that it felt great,

"Thanks you guys i love it!" I chuckle touching the faberic with care fearing my nails could cut a fread and ruin it all together, i clap my hands my trousers appearing beside me and the girls go outside giving me chance to get fully dressed and step out to the Sun, it felt strange not waking up early, the Sun was over the tree tops normally I'd never see the Sun until dinner,

Did I miss half the day?!

"Did I sleep in?" I ask Cathy as she nods

"You bet ya." She smiled as i tilt my head

"Why did Noone wake me?" I ask whist Jorden giggled sweetly to herself

"Don't be offended Tyron, plus you seemed very tired yesterday figured you'd like the rest " she beamed as i smirk

"What's up with you guys today, am I dreaming or somthing?" I joke as i pinch myself, Keny shoke her head

"Your very much awake." Keny asured

"Am I dead?"

"Don't think so."

I smile tugging at the sweater which I was be quite fond of and tilt my head across camp now  noticeing how empty it was other than the odd kids who wondered round carrying supplies, weapons or food

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now