Chapter 20

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Pheobes POV
"So what's your name?" I ask as we whizzed through the empty patch of snow through a field

"Me? Ma name Harris, why?" He managed over the gushes of wind, i shrug

"Just wondering, you wouldn't happen to know a guy called Nico would you?" I murmur as he nods over his shoulder

"Hmm tallish dude who looks like some goth?" Harris states as I roll my eyes but nod
He smiled.
"Ah him, Yeah he came round a couple times asking for a sledge, we leant him one and a few dogs and he never returned." He explained as I bite my lip

"You didn't happen to know where he was heading, do you?"

"Why are you so concerned for him?!"

I was shocked, a missing boy was nothing to worry about, funny

"Well he's our friend and weve not seen him for a long time." I mumbled loudly as he huffed

"Heh well to answer your question, no all I know was that he was heading north." He answered whilst I gaze down to Tyron who was now licking his paw, im not sure why he even jumped infront of these but it seems like were going the right way.
I glance around the forest no sign of the town in sight

"Okay so where exacully is you house?" I ask as he shrugs

"Hm bout 5 minutes think you can hold on?" He asks as i nod stubbornly

He just said it like I needed the bathroom or somthing
Tyron let out a loud bark at him making Harris jolt, I smile silently thanking him

"Nice dog you got, full breed eh?" He asks as i shrug

"I guess you could say that, he's called Tyron." I explain as he nods

"Hm whered you get him from, eBay? Pound?" He asks as i bite my lip

"Uh my uncle gave him me for a present last Christmas."I lie whilst he nods

"Heh well next time keep him on the path, wolves can stray at any moment." He warns as i glare at him

"I'll keep that in mind." I murmur noticing Tyron roll his eyes,
A few moments later we arrived at a small yet cossey wooden cabin with a barn round back the same big logo sprinted on the side
Harris stopped his husky by the shed pushing me off and driving inside out of the cold, after that the other brother who i persumed as Joe did the same by this to bringing Tyron out to, Joe was clearly the strongest muscles,
Zane pats Tyron head making him growl softly but allowed it seeing as he was our dog, Harris lead us to the back door shuffling his hand through his pockets

"Where the heck did I put that thing?" He grumbled taking off his boot and shoving a hand inside soon heaving out a key
"Got ya." He murmured pulling the boot back on, he slot the key in twisting it with ease letting it swing open, we slide in wager to escape the colds grasp, when we enter the hog is plastered wall to wall with photographs
A large fire blazing at the fire place, Joe lay Tyron down Infront of it letting me curse at him sit to sit to his head

"Ugh how do you keep doin this." I manage as he smirked a wolf grin

"Katie were home!" Joe yelled whilst he leant over a stair case footsteps echoeing above, soon enough a 7 year old girl came hopping down the stairs beaming to her brother's

"Hi! Your back!" She beamed hugging Harris's legs
"Oh! a doggy!" She squils jumping over like child at Christmas almost choking Tyron to death, Zane held a laugh even Annabeth
"IM gonna love him! and love em!" She said patting his head whilst Joe wondered over with some bandages, as Harris knelt down

"Hold still Kate's."He informs as she froze patting Tyrons head, Harris rolled him over grabbing the broken paw and a hammer.............



I guess Tyron was thinking the same thing his back legs thrashing away

"Hey kid? Hold his legs will you?" He told Zane who hesitently obeys grabbing his back legs, i place my hands onto his stomach stroking him, it didn't stop trying, his legs kicking and body mivinf, i saw him wince very time his paw moved, finally Annabeth held his leg with Zane freezeing him, Harris sighed readying the hammer to strike.

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