Chapter 26

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My eyes flutter awake, I couldn't breath! the air around me seemed to be evacuating.
The air flew by as though not aware of my gasp for air and I quicken my pace tying to contain the remaining oxygen I think I had.

Im not a monster
I didn't kill her
She's fine
Just fine
She's alive
Not dead

Not dead!

I'll save her
She'd survive
She's strong

I let out a furious scream ignoring the pain In my throat and lips, tears gush to the floor, she's gone
She's gone

My fault

My fault I say!!!

I lower my head my hair shielding my eyes as my body shakes wildly

"N-no, no, no, nnoooo," I wail my voice cracking lower everytime as i tried to speeck
I close my eyes letting out a shakey sigh trying to contain my emotions.
A door opened making me flinch, i gulp not wanting it to be Lycon or Kronos
But instead it was Tartarus himself, all tall and slim figure.
I curse myself wondering what he was planning on, to kill me, torture me more or be plainly the beast he is!
He paced in not even closing the door

"Hello," He said kindly which I found disturbing and shuffled back, he understood and stood still
"Im not going to hurt you." He soothed making me frown.
My body stopped shaking and I look up to him

"How... long was... I asleep?" I ask swallowing hard through the burning metal
He smiled

"Um about 4 month maybe." He murmurs as I go wide eyed

"W-what!?" I choke as Tartarus coughed

"Yeah I didn't know about the Lycon thing, Nor he mentioned a sleep potion, but I wish to make it up to you," he stated as i perk up
"I planned for you to stay a few more years but it seems I have a change of mind, I'll let you go this once." He finished his voice trying to sound mad,
I never knew Tartarus was a big softy.

That's something new off the bucket list I guess.
I smile as he stared back unlocking my chains

"T-thank you, your- bad as th-ey say." I comment as fast as I could eager to finish my sentence from the pain

He smiles

"Well thanks, at least not all of you hate me," He grumbled taking off the chain around my neck, he grins with victory before snapping his fingers

Suddenly I found myself freezing in the water, i scream air bubbles rising to the surface.
Frantically i thrash about slowly going up,

Stay calm stupid!

I smash through the ice gasping for air, i heave my cold shivering body from the water my nails scrapping against the ice, i glance around panting and shaking as I notice the broken ice had coated over with snow and was slowly forming to ice further down, i tug at my soaking black cloak my lips burning and sapping then realization hit, i glance around to see the town in the far distance of trees, i stand up suddenly falling from a bending pain in my ankle, i gaze down noticing it was broken, i groan grabbing the closest thing to me
A large stick and lifted myself up and began limping over until i remembered something

That girl!

The one with the broken legs! Oh gods!

I rush rappidly to the hole I'd shoved her in digging down with my bare hands to find she was gone and no bunnies vacant, i pull out sniffing the ground for a scent,
My right hand stung and that was when I saw the marking Kronos gave me

Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hunt BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now