Chapter 15

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Im shaken awake and my eyes snap open, i yawn stretching my bones before shifting to human sat down rubbing my aching neck, i glance up to find Atlanta looking down at me

"Urgh what do you want?" I ask as she smiled

"Artemis said for you to meet her at the big house in an hour, that was about 50 minutes ago." She smirks as my smile falters

"Gotta run!" I yelp hopping over the porch fence not even down the steps sprinting full speed to the big house, the one I hadn't been in for a while.
I wonder if Dionysus (wine god) still works here at camp, i haven't seen him around, not really suprised though, i find Artemis outside the door beaming at the sight of me.

"OH hi sleeping beauty." She giggled as I roll my eyes

"You could have waked me," I reply as I open the door for her "lady's first?"

"Okay." She said staying still, i glare at her until the insult clocked

"OH ha.ha. very funny princess." I growl jokingly

"Don't. call me that." She warned as i nod my head letting her enter first me trailing behind her closing the door behind me, we paced down a hall and entered a side room where I was shocked to find most the God's
Demeter (cereal obbsessed)

I immediatly grow nervous glaring into Artemis's back as we sat down at a large circular table with a paper map pledge into the middle, it seemed very old, like it had been doused in tea or something as the gods spoke to each other.
Zeus was at the end front while the other Gods spread around
Chiron was also they're along with Annabeth and Zane, Annabeth was next to me and Chiron next to her whilst Zane was opposite me, Artemis sat on the other side of me having a face of confusion I'd never seen before, i sigh scratching my elbow as Zeus began to speak

"I now call this minor meeting to order, any objections?"
Zane rose his hand witch I say no mark of my bite as his eyes narrowed to him

"Yeah, why am I here?" He snapped.
Although I was thinking the same thing, I'd never known someone so rude to interrupt a meeting for an answer what he knew would been cleared further down the line, Aphrodite smiled however as though amused by his reaction

"I'll answer that in a minute young man, now may I begin?" He growled slightly annoyed as Zane patiently nods
"Well let's start at first hand, Daughter, Artemis I wish to send you on a solo mission in Alaska, it seems the sytrs they're are having trouble with overflowing monsters." He informs as I roll my eyes
Sure blame the BLIMMING monsters why don't you?!
It's not our fault you guys make Kronos so angry

Athena gave a light chuckle staring at me
Wait did she just read my mind?


Stop that!

I glance over to Artemis unsure whether I should let her go or not, well I wasn't the boss but like she said im their guardian and I should know what's best.
And here I smell something fishy, i glare at Zeus trying to figure him out
what's that old fryer for brains plotting here?
Athena burst out laughing covering her mouth, we all gave her puzzled looks but she waved them off coughing

"Uhhm sure but why now? You never let me go out of the country alone?" She questions as I kept my glare,
Oh he's definitely up to something

I try mind messaging Artemis to tell her I didn't trust it but it was somehow blocked, i bite my lip folding my arms as I watched Zeus's every move

"Oh I just thought a change of scenery from finding Percy would help you relax more, is it bad being a loving father?" He chuckled

"More like creepy, thanks, but what about my hunt and guardian, where will they go?" Ask asked

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