Don't think anyhing negative.

61 7 0

Hoseok is calling...

"Who is this?"

"I'm Hoseok... Yoongi-hyung's friend. You are...?"

"Oh, I'm Yoonji. Yoongi-oppa's sister. Nice to meet you! (Even though oppa talked about you a lot)"

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing. If you're looking for Yoongi-oppa, he's kinda busy with Yeonki-oppa."


"The eldest of us triplets!"

"Oh I see. May I ask what they're doing...?"

"Hm, they're talking about music and beats and some skit in mom and dad's restaurant!"

"Your parents have a restaurant?"

"Yup! If your schedule is kinda free for this week, why not come to our restaurant? Bring friends too! I assure you that mom's cooking is the best! Yoongi-oppa also helps sometimes."

"Well I'll try to come. Also, you mentioned something about a skit...?"

"Yeah I don't know what that is honestly. I know it's short, but the purpose of that? I've got no idea."

"I see... Well then, I'll call later. Thank you!"

"No prob! Also, don't forget to visit if you'd like!"

"Alright. I'll see if I can come tomorrow."

Hoseok hanged up.

"So, this Hoseok is Yoongi's love interest eh?" Yoonji muttered to herself evilly. Then suddenly, she got a notification from the devil himself.

Asshole brother ^^
11:40 am

Asshole brother ^^
My senses were tingling. Did u just disrespect me while you talked to someone else?

Since when did u become spiderman.

Also I just had a little talk with this Hoseok of yours~

Asshole brother ^^


Asshole brother ^^
Wth did u say to him??


I just invited him to come ofc ^^

I think he'll check his schedule if he can get here tomorrow.

Asshole brother ^^

You need to get laid soon!

Asshole brother ^^
Tf I don't need to get laid to live.

So u wanna die a virgin?

Asshole brother ^^
I never said I wanted that but it's alright ig

Geez u need some motivation.

Asshole brother ^^

^ - ^ yw

Asshole brother ^^
Fuck you.

The feeling's mutual :>

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