You were so nervous then.

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Yoongi woke up rather confused as to why he felt so excited and giddy. He wasn't complaining though, it's been a while since he woke up feeling happy. To be honest, he had a dream. It was about Hoseok suddenly visiting their restaurant. It can't be true of course. The kid's busy as hell!

He got up from his bed reluctantly, then slowly went to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. His mind went to the idea of working part time in his family's restaurant, because even his brother said that the customers miss his cooking there. And although he doesn't want to take a break at working on his mixtape, maybe cooking will help him relax and not be so edgy most of the time.

After showering and wrapping a towel on his waist, Yoongi headed to his closet to bring out some presentable but comfortable clothes.

Should he wear black? Hm, that doesn't sound too appealing. It's not like he's gonna attend a funeral... and it's not like he can wear the overly... cutesy clothes that he didn't even know was stuffed in his closet.

And in the end he decided to wear...

Something black of course.

He just couldn't resist wearing black. It's just too beautiful not to wear black. It also fits Yoongi the most. Well, it kinda compliments his pale skin...? (Basically it makes him look ethereal.)

After quickly dressing up, Yoongi ruffled his hair as he stumbled out of his bedroom and continued to the dining hall, where he found Yeonki working on his laptop and Yoonji lounging on the couch in the living room, watching TV and playing some game on her cellphone at the same time.

"You're dressed up today," Yeonki said with a ghost of a smirk. Almost everyone in the family knows about Yoongi's crush on Hoseok, but to be honest, the man did a great job at hiding it for so long. Yeonki remembers the time when Yoongi had a girlfriend. They fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, but the puzzle broke. Meaning they broke up because they weren't able to manage their schedule and circumstances with each other.

"Well I'm planning on helping out mom and dad with their restaurant." Yoongi said as he sat down opposite of his brother and ate the already served bacon and eggs, the cliche breakfast.

Yeonki let out a hum as he looked at his younger brother slyly, Yoonji came in the dining hall and sat next to her older brother. "You seem happy today, Yoongi." Yoongi smacked his sister on the head. "It's oppa for you. Also I just woke up feeling happy, that's all."

Yoonji looked at his brother incredulously, did he really forget...? Maybe the excitement made his memory all fuzzy.

"Well anyways I'm tagging along with you, oppa. Will you come Yeonki-oppa?" Yoonji asked her oldest sibling, who shook his head. "Sadly, I'm too busy." He said with a sly tone. Yes, sadly, Yeonki can't witness his younger brother's actions with Hoseok.


"Oppa, smile!~" Yoonji said as she went in front of Yoongi and took a picture of him.


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(...Whoops. Ahem, let me get back to the story.)

"I swear that you're so photogenic..." Yoonji mumbled to herself as she skipped to her brother's side. This Hoseok will be so lucky to have her brother next to his side. Don't tell Yoongi this, but in all honesty, Yoonji is proud of her brother's charm and looks. It runs in the family. The difference between the three triplets is their aura, basically only that. Yeonki has this alluring and sly aura, he can basically make you tell all your secrets without you knowing! Yoongi has this... well, dark aura; once you see him, your first reaction would be to think, "Should I run away?" He's basically almost like Yeonki, but having a closed off persona instead. And for Yoonji? Well, she's a coy person that can probably destroy your life.

Wait, no, basically almost any of them can do that.

Well, other than that, they're now near the restaurant! Of course, their restaurant can be reached just by walking from their home. It takes at least... 10-15 minutes. Plus the walk can be considered as exercise (especially when a trait called 'dislike of moving thyself' is inherited by the triplets).

Yoongi opened the door, the scent of food immediately hits him. The chimes of the bell made Mrs. Min look towards the door, "Oh, Yoongi!" She said as she went closer to her dear son and ruffled his hair, which was then followed by a tight hug. "It's been a while since you came here." Mrs. Min said, then later asking why her dear son was there.

"I wanna help. In cooking and I guess, in serving too." Yoongi said as Yoonji added, "I wanna help in getting the orders!"


"Yoongi-oppa, uh, someone ordered braised seafood." Yoonji said with a high pitched tone as she visited Yoongi in the kitchen. "Also, I said it's called Jamwon-dong braised seafood and that a bite will remind you of Shinsa-dong. So... oppa do your best to recreate the dish okay?" Yoonji giggled like an elementary school girl and added, "They also ordered another thing, but I can tell you that once you're done with the braised seafood."

So Yoonji left the kitchen, hearing slight complains from Yoongi. She occasionally peeks in and she sees Yoongi handling the squid while murmuring, "It feels weird." All the time.

So after several minutes, Yoongi called Yoonji as he was done cooking.

"So what's the next order?" He said as he stretched his arms and flexed his wrists, yawning as well. Yoonji smirked and had to stop herself from giggling as she said, "You."

The look of confusion on her brother's face made Yoonji laugh so hard in the inside. "What do you mean?" Yoongi asked, glaring at his little sister, who seems to be trying her best not to laugh. "I said that their other order was you." She said with a shit-eating smirk.

But since her brother still didn't get it, Yoonji just said, "Just go out there and bring the braised seafood. Remove your apron and wash your hands too I guess."


A/N: So this is basically my fangirling chapter... Well, sorry for the typos and confusing as fuck scenario, and IM INTERNALLY FANGIRLING OVER MAH HUSBANDO'S PHOTOS.

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