Leave the past where it is.

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Dear Hoseok,

I've went to the pet shop to buy a dog so that it can accompany my family in my stead, but I've grown rather attached to it by just... observing it.

I don't know, it's just too cute.

It's so small and fluffy like a cinnamon roll-- okay I'm getting too soft.

What should I name it?

Hm, when I was younger, I remember that Yeonki-hyung wanted to have a pet and would name it Holly no matter what the gender is.

And this little brown marshmallow is a male so...

Oh well. He's for them anyways. I don't wanna get attached, but that doesn't mean I can't care for it even for just a short while.

From, Yoongi.

A/N: Yesterday we did some exercise and practice for an interpretative dance, which the choreographer said is like "a mixture of acting, ballet, and contemporary."
Boy was it hard. I even managed to bruised my hand even though the dance moves didn't require extra hand movements.
Like, right now my fucking waist, thigh, and knees hurt. I can't even turn around without complaining because of the pain.

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