I remember your face then.

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Yoongi and Suran finished their heartfelt and heartbreaking song and they went backstage, where apparently, someone was looking for Suran. She quickly said bye to Yoongi and skedaddled away.

Yoongi sighed in relief, but was interrupted when at least four or five people collided into him and gave him a bone crushing hug. Literally.

Then, a chorus of cries was heard, "Yoongi I can't believe you made your song like an autobiography of your life!" Jin cried as Namjoon and Jungkook said, "Hyung you know we'll be here for you always," and Taehyung just cried saying Yoongi's name and more sweet messages, but the person that's hugging him from behind nuzzled their face in Yoongi's neck.

"Hyung, I never knew that you've been through so much..." Yoongi stiffened as Hoseok just hugged him tighter, "You're always here for me, so now, I'll be here for you too."

Hoseok muttered something so quiet that he thought Yoongi didn't hear him, but in fact, he did. "I'll never leave you, hyung. I'll always stay by your side no matter what."

Yoongi was happy; to be surrounded by friends who cared and cried for him.

But deep down, there's something that he just can't ignore...

The fear of being happy and then getting lost into despair once that happiness is gone.


"Whew!" Yoongi sighed in relief as he plopped down onto his bed after showering. The seven of them (yes, Jimin was actually there earlier but he felt left out) all went to Jin's house because they apparently wanted to have a sleepover. Then suddenly, someone knocked on Yoongi's room. "Come in!"

"Hyung, hello." Yoongi snapped awake as he heard a high pitched voice. He rose up from his bed and looked at the male who just came in.


"Is there something wrong?" Yoongi asked the younger, who shook his head in return and then he suddenly made a 90 degree bow, "Thank you hyung, for being there for Hoseok when I wasn't there for him, thank you for making him happy when I just made him sad." He said with genuine sincerity; tears were almost forming in Jimin's eyes. 

Yoongi was befuddled as he swung his feet off the bed and went to Jimin, putting a hand on the younger's shoulder to signify that he should stand up straight. Yoongi was surprised at how glossy Jimin's eyes were.

"Thank you for caring and loving him even though you suffered a lot." Jimin held Yoongi's hands and he could no longer stop the tears from falling down. Yoongi smiled sadly, "No problem." As he wiped the tears away from Jimin's eyes. "Take care of Jungkook will you?" He said with a smirk, causing Jimin to blush.

"Will do." Jimin smiled as he went out of Yoongi's room, wiping his eyes which caused him to bump into Hoseok, "Jiminie?" He asked confused, "Are you crying?"

Jimin looked at him and smiled, "No, I just got something in my eyes," which was kinda true but the heavy weight of guilt building up in his chest finally went away.

Hoseok looked at the younger confused but he shrugged it off, should he go to Yoongi's room?

"Hyung?" Hoseok called as he knocked, hearing a faint "Come in," he turned the knob and opened the door, and saw Yoongi huddled up on the bed with faint blonde highlights still in his hair.

"Yo," Yoongi waved to Hoseok as the latter sat next to Yoongi on the bed. "How are the others doing outside?" He asked the younger, who just snuggled closer to Yoongi, to the point where Hoseok's basically hugging Yoongi.

"They're all fine, Jungkook and Tae and probably Jimin too are playing overwatch, and Jin-hyung and Nam are probably making out-- I mean, making food together." He said, which made Yoongi laugh.

Then suddenly, Hoseok sat up straight on the bed and hugged Yoongi tightly, "Hyung, please... don't lie to me about your problems. You've been there for me, so now I wanna be there for you." He said as he gave Yoongi a very tight hug.

Yoongi on the other hand, smiled sadly.

There's just something... a barrier of sorts... that just can't let him believe that others will be there for him even in his hardest times.

But for now, for Hoseok, he'll say anything.

"Alright. Okay." He patted Hoseok on the back, but suddenly, Hoseok pulled Yoongi down on the bed. "Hyung, are you free tomorrow?" The younger asked as they lied facing each other. Yoongi really hopes that the blush on his face wasn't obvious.

But to be honest, Hoseok was blushing too.

"Well yeah. I guess so." Yoongi answered in a whisper. Pretending to yawn even though he probably can't sleep because of their position.

"Then how about we have a date over some pasta and coffee?" Hoseok said with a smile, laughing slightly at how red Yoongi's face is.

"As long as you pay, it's okay for me," Yoongi replied with an impish smile. Hoseok just gave him a ridiculous expression as he sighed and agreed.

"Well, you better sleep now." Yoongi said as he reached up to turn off the lights, but not really able to leave the bed because Hoseok's hold was too strong on his waist.

Hoseok yawned as Yoongi gently caressed the younger, he remembers that Hoseok told him that his mom used to caress him so that he can fall asleep, and that's what Yoongi did.

And slowly, he fell asleep too.

"...Aren't they so cute?" Jimin whispered as he opened the door gently, with the others behind him, taking a peek of the two sleeping peacefully on the bed. "I think we should leave--" His sentence was disrupted as Taehyung opened the door wide and threw a large bean bag in the room and dragged Jungkook and Jimin with him, "Let's sleep together here!" He whispered excitedly. Namjoon and Jin just smiled, that is, until Taehyung dragged them too.

"No excuses for the NamJin couple."


"Yep, and those two lovebirds on the bed is YoonSeok."

"So what are we three?"

"Um, TaeKookMin!"

"Fair enough."

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