It broke my heart.

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Yeonki is calling...

"Who is this?"


"Oh, Yeonki-hyung. What's wrong?"

"I know you just came back, how was the performance?"

"It was amazing."

"Any developments?"

"Developments? In the mixtape? Well yeah."

"Good, but what about the development between you and Hoseok~?"

"...Are you serious."

"What~? I just wanna know how my younger brother's sex-- I mean, love life is doing!"

"Well, he asked me out on a date."




"No, he did."

"OH MY *insert loud screeching and thrashing sound*"

"Uh... is everything alright there?"

"Yup, it's just Yoonji fangirling."

"Why would she even...?"

"I dunno. But congrats. Make sure to win him over okay~?"

"Oh come on hyung."

"Oh wait, I forgot that you can attract anyone. Remember how you even had your own fanclub back in high school?"

"Hyung... are you serious right now?"

"I just wanna reminisce the past times when students were head over heels for you!"

"Just... stop."

"Okay, okay. Well, have fun with your date!"

"Alright. Take care there."

"Aight, bye!"


Yoongi hanged up.

"Oppa, are you seriously not gonna tell Yoongi-oppa about what happened?" Yoonji said as she jumped on the couch, calming down from her frenzy earlier.

"About what?" Yeonki said innocently, but the pain in his tone wasn't so well hidden.

"About mom and dad's accident."

"Yoongi just came back to Seoul. And after a stressful performance, how can we just break the news to him? Especially when the love of his life invited him on a date? You know how he was before, right?" Yeonki said seriously, which made Yoonji sigh.

"...He might attempt it again, is that what you're saying?" Yoonji said sadly as she looked at Yeonki with tears in her eyes. Yeonki just nodded, "When we went with him to the psychiatrist with mom and dad, I just wished that he didn't explain things without... emotion. It's as if he was an empty corpse then."

Yoonji hugged her knees to her chest, "And I wished that he answered no then..."


Kihyun was walking down the park as his mind went to his dear friend Yoongi, who he learned just came back from Seoul and did a performance.

...He also remembers the first time they met.

"Min Yoongi is your name, correct?" The psychiatrist, Yoo Kihyun, asked the guy in front of him, who nodded. Kihyun was sad at how empty Yoongi's eyes looked, and when he asked the same old question, he expected for the worst. "Did you try to commit suicide?"


The horror Kihyun saw in Yoongi's family brought him despair, even the eyes of his cheerful sister became horrified, and the calm expression of his brother became panicked, while the faces on his mom and dad looked betrayed.

"Through what means?"

Yoongi didn't answer him, and instead, pointed to his neck (which had a faint scar around it) then he rolled back his sleeves up to his elbow, and scars covered the majority of his arm; some fresh and some old. Then Yoongi looked towards the compartment full of medicine, and looked at Kihyun again.

Kihyun then asked his family to leave, because if they're alone, Yoongi can tell his problems to Kihyun without worrying.

But it seems that his sibling has a different response. "No! We need to hear this, Yoongi!" Yoongi's sister shouted. Yoongi just looked at her, eyes radiating darkness and hidden anger, "Yoonji, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave us alone for now." His tone of voice completely dropped to a deep, hollow, and monotonous one. His sister, Yoonji, was about to throw a tantrum before the taller man, probably their oldest sibling, dragged her out of the office as Yoongi's parents looked at their son sadly.

"I'm sorry for the outburst my sister did." Yoongi apologized, you'd think it wasn't sincere because of his monotonous voice, but he meant pure sincerity.

"So tell me all of your problems. It doesn't matter how long it is, just tell me." Kihyun said to Yoongi with an assuring smile, the male however, just sighed and told Kihyun all of his problems.

His reminiscing however, was disrupted when a certain someone called him, "Kihyun-hyung!" The male turned back to see a cheerful male running over to him.

"Changkyun?" Kihyun questioned as the said man gave him a hug, "It's been a while man!" Changkyun exclaimed as he let go of his boyfriend. "What are you thinking about in that little noggin of yours?"

"About the past. I dunno why but I suddenly remember the time when I met Yoongi." Kihyun blurted out. Changkyun just kept silent and patted Kihyun's back.

Kihyun and Yoongi have been through much together, they're kinda like gangster brothers. Changkyun knows that the former loves him as much as gravity loves people, so he doesn't mind it if his boyfriend hangs out with his friend.

After all, why would you prevent your boyfriend from seeing their friends?


A/N: Sorry, I don't know much about Monsta X's members' personalities. Also I just wanna play a game so I hurriedly finished this😂

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