Part Nine: The Movie

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Tyler's POV:

The very next day, I got us cameras for both inside the house and out. Ethan felt much better after we got cameras installed. I was glad. Anything to make my Blue Boy happy, I would have done it.

Six Months Later

Ethan got a job as an actor. He loved every bit of it. I started going to college, playing football. Of course Ethan brought in all of the money, I was studying to be a business owner. I was going to start my own game development company. I knew a lot about coding (Yeah, right Tyler *cough, cough* can't edit. Love you!).

Ethan came home from work one day. He sat beside me on the couch. He looked so amazing. He was in the Five Nights at Freddy's movie. He was young Micheal Affton (if I spelled that wrong, let me know). He was wearing a black suit with a tie that had Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, and, of course, Freddy. The only thing that I didn't like was that they told him that he would have to dye his hair blonde. But even with his hair dyed blonde, he still looked amazing.

"So, Mr. Affton, why did you make those monsters?" I said, acting as a reporter.

"Well, my daughter was the inspiration of Baby. I molded her after my daughter's looks. But she was... aware.. of the fact that she was a animatronic. I quickly shut her down after the lost of my daughter. Then Fun Time Freddy and Fun Time Foxy. They were so different. Maybe too different. Then there was Bellora. She was the kids favorite. But after I shut down that place I decided to go somewhere new with it. I used new models. They are the first of its kind. An animatronic that you could wear. It was brilliant. But there was an.. accident.. involving one of the suits, so I discontinued it. Then I made some kid-friendly ones. Ballon Boy was.. a little off but that was to be expected. Foxy, poor foxy. She got ripped apart by the kids. I guess the staff didn't want to keep putting her back together, so they just left her like that. They started calling her 'Mangle.' Then there was the Marionette. It was supposed to be a pleasant surprise in the prize room, but none of the kids liked it, and I had no idea why. After the bite, I had to shut down yet another restaurant. Then I decided to use the old models. Everything was going well at first, but then, someone used the golden suit that we kept in the spare closet and kidnapped some kids. No one knows to this day where they are. I kept the restaurant open, thinking that this wasn't going to do me in. I didn't expect the machines to "come to life" after that and murder every night guard I hired. So I had to close the last restaurant. But I do plan on opening up one more store."He recited.

I started clapping. That was amazing. I didn't know anything about Five Nights at Freddy's, so I don't know how accurate everything was. He took a bow and smiled at me.

"That was amazing, Ethan. Or should I say, Mr. Affton." I told him. I kissed him. I looked at the clock, and it was almost time for me to get to class. After I kissed him, I got in my car and drove to class, not realizing what I just did to Ethan.

Ethan's POV:

After Tyler left, I was home alone. I took off my work clothes and sat on the sofa. I started watching Netflix. After five minutes, I heard this laugh. I never heard this laugh before. I got up and walked to where I thought I heard it coming from. I walked upstairs and looked in the hallway closet. There was nothing there. I was sure that's where I heard it coming from.

I went back down stairs to finish watching Teen Titans, when I heard this song play. I knew the song because of belonged in the Five Nights realm. It was that song that played if you lost power in the middle of the night. I was terrified. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't want to hear the end of the song, so I put some clothes on and went over to Tyler's mom's house and asked if I could stay there while Tyler was at school. She saw the look on my face and she knew that I was scared.

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